I live in the area and wonder if anyone knows if the well is finally up and running after being tied up in the courts for several weeks. We have 38 acres and signed a lease a good while ago which was way too early I think.Being close to the Ohio border, is it true that it is the wet gas? I have been told both ways.

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Why are they upset? Shouldn't they be happy to be getting drilled.........? Or is CHK running down to the wire on leases expiring.

Lots that haven't leased and don't want it there. 

Can you tell me where it's located?  Township?  Thanks.  

Just off of rt 51 (North) near Grassy Lane Golf Course, Darlington 

Down past McRoberts well on the right. 

I don't know why we would be upset.We would not have signed in the first place if we didn't want them to drill. I understand there are SOME people that are upset, just as there are about any well. They are entitled to their opinion just like we are  or anyone else.

Does anyone know anything about the "Marcellus Mineral Rights" group out of McMurray, Pa. We have been contacted about Marcellus rights from our  proposed well.They say they have been contacting people in Beaver Co.Could that be a hint that Chesapeake is getting rid of leases?

I heard the area you are talking about is on the block for sale by Chesapeake and they are anxious to get rid of it because it's all dry gas.

On top of that, no one seems happy about the prices for pipelines, so not many are signing for them, making it hard to get the gas out. Pretty much a lost cause for now, unless the price of gas goes up soon and Chk starts to offer some real money for pipelines.

Mind you, this is all rumor, so please take it at that.

Just be very careful when dealing with royalty buyers. I am not familiar with the one you mention, but there are numerous companies out there right now. There have always been companies buying mineral rights, so I would not read anything into it.  They watch the DEP permits website and contact landowners near proposed wells.  If you are considering selling your royalties, there are companies who will value your royalties for a fee before you enter into an agreement to sell.


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