just a question for Susquehanna Cty, we have been 'pooled'? could someone explain what a 6h well is??? and if ur in a 'well pad' does one get royalties on each 'derrick' in this unit pad,,,,,really dont quite understand all the lingo, other than if we had known, dont think we wouldve ok'd for a 'pig launcher' to be put on our pipeline lease,,,and had no idea of all the 'above ground' valves, more than 1/2 dozen, either, especially for the amount of money we received allowing a pipeline lease,,,ANY INFO GREATLY APPRECIATED,,,

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Mary, I'm not an "old hand" with this but can supply some basics. A "6h well" is nothing exotic. Most of the time the gas co.s plan and get permits for multiple wells from each pad, six is a common number so this simply refers to which of the wells this one is. The "h" designates that it is a horizontal well. Most recent wells are horizontal as this is what gives the fracking process it's effectiveness over a larger area. If you have been pooled you would have gotten a copy of the Unit Declaration paperwork. This is also filed with the county and you may be able to check for any such filing on your property through the Landex website. You would get a royalty share in all wells drilled in any unit you were part of. Derricks are just the drill rigs, once a well is drilled and fracked they will be gone and there will just be a fairly small wellhead unit above ground. Pipelines are an entirely separate issue and I have no knowledge in that area. I'm assuming you also signed a separate "oil and gas lease" as a pipeline lease would do nothing as far as getting you included in a production unit.

     Hope this is of some help....

thank you tom r, this is basically what i thought it might mean,,,and yes the pipeline is a separate lease, allowing access across our property to 'multiple' wells in our area,,,,seems we wouldve made out better than we did on this, being involved with all the wells, but, live and learn, i guess,,,thank you


The "pig launcher" is a device used to insert a "pig" into the pipeline.  It can be a cleaning pig or a "smart pig" which reads the thickness of the pipe with sensors.  This way they can check for dangerous corrosion which can thin and weaken the pipe.  It is for safety.  Depending on how often they need to clean or check the pipe you will likely see many workers and trucks at  this site.  I hope you got a good ROW clause.

As for your pool,  you need to get the survey map of the intended well plot.  Compare that (overlay) to your property to see how much if not all of your piece of ground lies within it.  This will decide how much royalty you will get for your piece of the pie.

Hope this helps.  Take care and good luck.

thank you john, im not sure if it was a good clause, just know the thing up in our field is HUGH,,, think maybe i should've had more for it? not sure, but, if the next pipeline, yes, asks to allow such a thing, we may think twice, wait till the horses see it, haha


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