You have included maps of the Holy Trinty, Lassinger, and Heasley well sites around our propperty just south of tge City of Butler.  Do you have any information abou the two well pads on Hinch-Smith?

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I am assuming this post was directed toward me since I posted those maps in the Butler County Group section. I have attached a pdf of the Hinch-Smith Well Plats for you and anybody else that might be interested.



To my knowledge there is only one well pad at the Hinch-Smith site. Last week XTO applied for two new well permits for that site, 8H & 9H. I don't have the plats for those.

There is another XTO well four miles southeast of the Hinch-Smith site. It's called the Paul Smith Unit 1H. I attached the well plats for that well.


Thank you!  I was asking you.  In some of your postings, there is a "declaration of unit" filed by XTO.  Where do you get those, and do you have one for Hinch-Smith Unit and Paul Smith Unit? Also, the Hinch Smith Well Plat only shows 1H, 2H, 3H, & 4H.  Where is 5H, 6H, and 7H, if XTO has filed for 8H & 9H?


There has not been a unit designation recorded yet for the Hinch-Smith Unit. I attached the unit designation for the Paul Smith Unit. I get those from the Butler County Recorder of Deeds website in this link:

Click on "simple search" in the above link and type in XTO in the box under organization. Then click"Detail Data" and all documents recorded by XTO will come up, including leases, unit designations, & easements among others.

XTO has not applied for permits yet for 5H, 6H, or 7H. They just applied for 8H & 9H on 4/23/13. I don't know why they have applied for permits in this particular sequence.



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