PART 1 - Intro and definitions.

In Crawford, landowners are being told to wait for the Utica boom to come here, then good leases will flow freely, or similar "wait for better" advice.  While we're waiting, let's discuss how we'll be able to tell if the much-discussed good lease is FAIR.  

The USA is one of only a relatively few places where fairness to the landowner is supported as a cultural, political, and legal concept.  In many less fortunate and free countries, the government owns all mineral rights, and a discussion of a fair lease is not applicable, so let's enjoy the rare privilege of discussing the details of this special freedom of ours!

To start it off, I offer the following definition of Fairness - All participants have equal access to all essential resources and information and have equal opportunity to share in the risks and benefits.  All contracts and negotiations are free of fraud.  For longer term deals, both parties bring a record that predicts they'll behave honorably for the life of the deal.

I also offer the one example I've found discussed in the public domain that appears to be a fair oil/gas lease - The original King Ranch lease, believe it was in 1929.  It met the definition of fairness as follows:

Both parties to the lease had equal access to all required resources - Drilling required space, timber, a few specialized tools, and lots of labor - both parties had similar access to those.  The risks were shared fairly - the driller had a significant risk of dry holes, but had to risk relatively little capital and labor expense.  Over time, the benefits flowed to both parties, the community, and the nation, significantly enriching all, so the level of fraud must have been very low on both sides - (teapot dome came later:-)

So, all you patient fellow landowners, lawyers and reps, E&P folks, etc (yes, even adamant environmentalists), let's discuss the following questions, or any other you may add:

Is there a better definition of Fair, or any details that need to be added?

Which "normal" lease terms are most nearly Fair and which are most one-sided?

Are there any other more recent public domain leases out there that meet the above definition?

How can we re-insert more Fairness into our eagerly-awaited leases?

Why is it so rare to see lease fairness as a discussion topic?

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Bob you seem to have more time on your hands than a convicted killer on death row with all these long winded rants. Instead of sitting back and complaining about every thing, I nominate you to do the research on all your questions and then post the results of your findings. Maybe you could even write a book on fair leases.  


We all seem to have a lot of time on our hands BECAUSE WE'RE ALL WAITING FOR A LEASE THAT MAY NOT COME IN OUR LIFETIMES, or haven't you noticed that recurring theme in all matters pertaining to Crawford County.  Also, we all have a right to expect diligent representation in these matters BECAUSE WE'VE ALL COMMITTED PART OF OUR WEALTH TO LANDOWNER GROUPS AND/OR LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES.  We've also committed a significant portion of our valuable time to studying the O&G business, to try to negotiate better return on our assets.  All that's just good business.

Similarly, asking hard questions about prospective business partners is simply prudent.  No sane businessman would knowingly commit big chunks of owned wealth to known criminals or fraudsters.  ASKING QUESTIONS IS NOT COMPLAINING.   One is done by somebody who's a victim of unfairness, and the other is prudent business.  It's just that redressing egregious unfairness is much more difficult and time consuming after the fact than before you sign the deal.

I could do the research involved here, but there are 2 problems - first, everybody would just blow the work off as "complaining" as you already did with the proposal, and second, this kind of potential business partner and market analysis is precisely what we've already committed part of our wealth to our groups to do.  

What is 'FAIR' is what is 'agreed upon' by BOTH PARTIES.

As far as the 'landowner' who is really 'wet behind the ears' concerning these 'mysterious' endeavors (because they really ARE 'new' to people in these here parts...unless you have been or ARE 'immersed' IN the G/O industry - and by THAT, I mean 'over a good course of time...).

The 'game' of 'cat & mouse' by both the G/O Co. & the landowner is like going fishing for Musky in a goldfish pond.... Let's 'explore' the participants & their 'GOALS':

1) The *Lessee (never really liked the way that word 'lessee' rolled off a the tongue - sounds too much like *'sleazy') has the goal of 'tying up' prospective G/O yielding properties for the 'best bottom dollar' - whatsoever G/O Co. is seeking to explore certain 'targeted' areas. These leases MAY end up like an 'option' - useless...OR may be indefinitely held and thus 'sold' for another company's endeavor.

2) The Lessor - OWNS the land...whether it be for personal farming, hunting, simple investment, rental, personal living, inherited, etc. ...NOW the O/G Co. comes 'knocking on your door'. These is NOW a possibility that never 'existed' before. *Tax $$$ for a year or two, the possibility of getting drilled (Royalty checks - like a 'dividend' from a stock...from YOUR property), *signing bonus (nice 'added extra' - sometimes good, better, best...or none at all...). What to do, what not to do?


All in all 'fairness' is a 'meeting of the minds' & up to YOU, ultimately.... What is to be gained? What may be 'lost' (even though you never had it in your 'hot little hands' in the first place...) - this may weigh on your mind because this may be how things change 'blow in the wind', and THAT is the 'fair deal' that YOU must 'determine' to chance/'s tough indeed.

In 'fairness' one needs to mentally be prepared to 'walk away' from a 'deal' - THAT is the 'gamble'. It's tough. Think of it this way - you are standing at a empty table, there's nothing on are fine with that, right? - OR your 'table' does have a nice supply of good food sitting on it - there for you at any given time (because YOU keep it STOCKED that way yourself!). All of a sudden, someone/thing comes into your kitchen & puts an imaginary bag full of $$$ on your table - WITH the 'future promise' of MORE $$$ to come. The $$$ is NOT 'there' yet, just the CARROT OF the $$$....

NOW - you hear this, that, & the other thing; good, bad, & otherwise...this neighbor, that neighbor...knock, knock, knock at YOUR door (continually! - gotta' keep the 'pressure on' you 'don't forget'...) - have you made up your mind yet? Is there anything that we can do to help get this done? On & On & On...OK. STOP.

WHAT is 'fair'? WHAT is right? I remember my mom always saying that there will ALWAYS be someone RICHER than you as well as POORER than you out there...and THAT is SO true. So...back to the 'fair' game...we ALL want what is 'fair' - and FAIR in THIS case is 'interesting' at best.


IS it 'fair' to the family whose great-great grandaddy signed a 'property lease' back in the late 1800's/early 1900's that is STILL hogtied by this lease (which at the time was probably good, but not now...)?

Is it 'fair' to the landowner who was snookered 7+ years ago (-/+) into signing a lease that did NOT 'limit' the drilling depth to 1200' or 1500'?

Is it 'fair' that a lease was signed by your neighbor 5 or so years ago for VERY GOOD MONEY at the time & NOW looks to have been scammed?

YOU have 'waited', is it 'fair' what is presently happening? - You'll never know, you truly won't...and THAT is the 'sticky wicket' in it all.

Tp lease or not to lease - that is the question. Watch *Boom Town...not only is it a fun insight into the crazy drilling that was being done, but also an interesting study in 'personality' studies - you are what you are when no one is looking, you are what you are when everyone is looking - to thine own self be true...


I have written previously that an idea would be to create a 'clean slate' for any long-term lease 'prisoners' - so that they may enjoy PRESENT situations that are completely UNRELATED as far as 'drilling depths' are 'well' as IF land within a certain vicinity of yours (within a certain time period...) should gain a better lease position ($/acre + royalty %)...then YOU as a landowner in near vicinity/proximity should be re-imbursed accordingly...strange matters to consider. Fair?...all is fair in love & gas/oil....

With that being said - do your best, try to glean, learn what you can to better yourself (and the future of yours...)...try to have a concerned group that is close to YOU (because THEY are whom you shall most likely be MOST involved with yourself...) & do your best to learn together. All information is good information. With that said...

TRY to have notation that 'Lessee shall not assign this lease to any other operating company without Lessor's written consent." ***THIS is so that the G/O Co. can't just 'flip/sell' YOUR land's agreement without your knowing *legally, anyway...).

Have that concerning the lease, that Lessee shall pay to Lessor a One Time Rental (cross out 'delay') of $$$xxx flat fee - to be paid within thirty (30) days of the Lessor's signature on this lease. (by the way ***SPELL OUT the $$$ amount - so that there is NO question + add USD behind this...). There is honestly SO much - it'll make your head spin, worse than a top! (even with good lawyers +). THIS is the 'devil' that one must 'debate'...time can & will tell (and yet may not - all in the same sentence...). What a joke (in some ways...). One must live in one's own skin....

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Endeavor to be fair (first & for-most to YOURSELF. No one said that it's easy (it's like being in a 'boardroom' in your mind...).

Fairness and mutual agreement are completely orthogonal concepts.  If there's a gun pointed at my head, I'll agree to anything.  If I'm believin' in false info, I'll be duped into agreeing to something that seems logical in that context.  Nothing fair about either of those.

You are oh, so right, Bob Jenness...and in a way the G/O Co.'s have landowners heads in their laps. THEY have all of the 'advantages' - with a smile on their face, of course - they'll share that they would GLADLY give you 'that information' (WHATEVER 'that information' might be' - IF YOU thought to ASK for it! Huh...Hmm...they don't lie then, do they?). Must say that the 'information' may not be 'FALSE' information, just 'picked through' to give the BEST 'mental view'. Black-Gold 'Gas/Oil carrots' just need to bite....BOY - good luck (and I DO mean THAT sincerely!).

Orthogonal - good word to describe these 'G/O dealings'. HERE is where the 'landowner' is 'in a noose' & they KNOW IT (and THAT is NOT 'fair' - THEY DO 'attack' specific areas like a wolf-pack...only to sell & do their bidding later...THEY know their 'sweet spots').

There ARE two sides to every coin...and it is you/our (as landowners) responsibility to act as OUR best agent...because as YOU KNOW 'they' have THEIR 'best interests' in mind. Just the facts, Jack - no if's, and's, or but's about it...actually, it's pretty simple WHY the G/O pursuits aren't 'FAIR'. I gave you a 'hint' in the last sentence - *G/O PURSUITS*.

*G/O PURSUITS/ PURSUITS/ *PURSUITS* - follow the money....the 'money' is the 'CARROT' to lure the landowner into their G/O WEB - THAT is why you can't find any 'G/O Economics 101 for dummies' books out there AND it's simply NOT in the G/O Co.'s 'best interest' (OR the 'lawyers' HELPING the interest...) to 'KISS' it (Keep It Simple Schweethart). Just not happenin', unfortunately.

DO you have a 'proposed copy' of the lease? What questions concerning WHAT specific areas being addressed (or NOT being addressed...) do you have? By breaking THOSE issues down - in logical lease will take a more MANAGABLE 'plane' understandable/tackle-able.

Go at it in this way & you'll GAIN - more than you know...because YOU WiLL 'KNOW', it just won't be 'laid out there' & EXPLAINED to you (it'll still be 'Greek', but YOU will understand better FOR YOURSELF!). First of all - go get a # of BLOWN UP/ENLARGED COPIES of your proposed G/O that you can 'scribble' on them/highlight - also, maybe have legal paper to write notes on for EACH PAGE of lease, then:

*BREAK EACH the lease 'points'  DOWN.

*Write & Highlight (in 'color codes' so they don't get confused...) matters of concern.

*LOOK UP what others have done concerning SIMILAR situations

*ASK others (carefully, mind you - some advice is good 'here' & others 'caged' - be WISE)

*THEN proceed. If you don't ask - you won't get...and with thy getting - GET UNDERSTANDING!

as one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. Be careful of 'pandering' and 'flattery' by the G/O...they'll TRY to make it seem like they are 'truly interested' like YOU are...'well', they ARE - but they're in it for THEMSELVES, if they weren't, it wouldn't be America. BE an AmeriCAN. (because you CAN!). GG 5.10.13

Just BREAK IT DOWN - you'll be fine, YOU are *your own best friend!

Help Research DUX Petroleum LLC - Go Marcellus & Utica Shale: L...

***READ EVERYTHING here, Bob - read the 'tags' that are added to TRY to 'find out' about who/what this company IS...when reading every individual's post, not the names - THESE are all 'players' in the G/O field. I like Samuel Orr - seasoned/tempered...but some of the others, not as much. This will give you an 'inkling' of how they 'talk' business together, because THAT is ALL that you or I are to 'them' - cattle (in so many words...).

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. The more things change, the more they 'stay the same' 'well' to be 'well' studied....

OK, Bob - here is some 'homework' for you Read through THIS, the entire bit of it - VERY interesting!

Help Research DUX Petroleum LLC - Go Marcellus & Utica Shale: L...

I have no clue WHY, but THIS 'little' company has ALL of the G/O 'heads' whirling about in an absolute lunatic dizzy-tizzy!, mind you - THIS is where you will gain 'some nuggets' from the G/O 'insiders' you are reading, pay attention to how much $$$ they say land is worth/acre...and a 'FlIP' $amounts too.

THIS will begin to give you a smidgin of 'insight' of this 'TIGHT-KNIT', VERY 'guarded' G/O group of cads it can be...they are literally in a tizzy-wig! Talk about a 'sticky wicket'! - WHEW! They are REALLY buzzing about like hornets who had their nest batted!!! *READ IT - if it weren't SO intriguing, I won't bother 'passing it on'. READ IT ALL!

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. What;s good for the good is good for the gander? - or so the old saying goes...sticky wicket, indeed! Supreme! T. Hee!

Help Research DUX Petroleum LLC - Go Marcellus & Utica Shale: L... 

***Read SAM ORR's Feb. 19, 2013 @ 8:07pm shares (from an INSIDER'S standpoint) HOW the G/O Co.'s go through the 'flipping' and repeats how I have shared to make sure that the lease is NOT to assigned without YOUR (Lessor's) *written approval/signature' - you'll find this VERY 'eye-opening'***

All is fair in G/O & YOUR land! GG 5.10.13 As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

I did a quick read about DUX, and, depending on good legal advice at the time, I'd probably never lease with them, BUT...

Competition from little, aggressive, (yes, even dishonest flipping rats) LLCs is exactly what we need in Crawford to get the big cartel off it's butt and drive the "free market lease price" up a bit.

On the other hand, I'd like to see a known-honest, non-profit group with similar acreage size (we've got one or more of those, y'know) actually incorporate to be a competitive entity.  That would really spin the O&G heads.  As landowners, we already have the assets in hand.

I do really like the assigning sign off lease term, but in the landowner group leasing direct with energy company scenario, it becomes a bit academic, doesn't it?

No, no, no...HERE were the 'points' with the 'DUX article' that I was trying to express to you, Bob - it was x2 fold...

* First I was hoping you'd 'pick up on' the various 'names' of the commenters for 99% of them are from the G/O business itself - for you to 'notice' & remember WHO was writing - so that when you READ THEM/SEE their names on other postings on GMS, you'll RECOGNIZE who they are when you see them again. 

* Secondly, to SEE for yourself HOW the 'flipping' takes place AND to 'see' the '$$$/ACRE' amounts that were being mentioned. (more so 'key' to your endeavors...)

---------------------------------------------------- I've never seen this crew as 'worked up' over ANYTHING like with this...quite odd.

As far as 'Incorporating' - THAT in & of itself could imply 'commitments' concerning OPL (Other People's Land) in ways that may NOT end up being so 'inviting' LATER, down the road. Never forget - people ARE just 'people' after all. THAT is NOT a 'negative', just a plain FACT.

'Incorporating'...even been part of a church group? (follow me here for 'similarities'...) -or know of one that had a 'SPLIT'?...that is probably what MAY happen if a group 'incorporates'. You don't want to go through that, especially with 'good neighbors'. (*Remember: 'Good neighbors are 'NO' neighbors.' ARE familiar with that OLD saying, I hope....)


Look, you're ALL 'after something'...when 'push comes to shove' - it's 'YOU' against 'the machine' (whatever G/O 'corporation' it may be...). Best way in 'handling/dealing' as a 'group' is basically this:

*Decide the most salient points to 'the group' in a SPECIFIC AREA (YOUR area...)

*Pinpoint them (just like is being done here...think of a basic outline for a school paper - 'KISS it!)

*SOME persons will have different matters needing addressed...THEY can sort out THOSE matters - and ALL/everyone 'discuss together' good, better, best ways of addressing those concerns...

     ...i.e. 'a' has 150 acres of farmland/animals - has 'specific concerns' NOT pertaining to...

              'b' landowners that have under 8 acres...

              'c' landowners 8 - ? acres...

I know that you have already thought of these matters. GOOD thoughts, it's just getting 'all of your ducks' in a ROW (ha,ha!)...THAT is where the shale layers 'part' & the 'gas & oil' separate...or the bear *** in the buckwheat after rollin' in honey. That being said...


Back to 'matters at hand'...HERE is the 'bottom line' - there's NO 'fair' here...NO 'academic' ANYWHERE when it comes to THIS 'bottom of the barrel' sort of deal. It's ALL cut-throat, no brass tacks, no nonsense DRIVE for 'the gold' with THIS motley crew. WHEN you can think of this group like 'land-lubber PIRATES' you'll stand the storm 'well'. Get over the 'nicey, nicey - smiley, gobble-d-gook' & get TOUGH...and THEN you'll have 1/2 a chance. I'm NOT kidding you here. It's VERY strategic & 'cut-throat', and YOU better 'toughen up', get outta' the 'classroom' - get REALLY 'ed-ga-ma-cated' as to HOW this stuff 'works'...and THEN you'll be in a better position to 'play chess' (THAT is the ONLY 'academia' that is played here...).

THAT is 'the fair'. YOU are 'the fair'. Other landowners are 'the fair' (but when 'push comes to shove' - it needs to be 'to each their own'...go into clarifying that later..). WHAT I am 'saying' is this - that YOU/land group ('close-to-you' landowners DIRECTLY 'affected' together by this) need to decide for yourselves WHAT matters are MOST IMPORTANT to you & HOW to address these. THAT is 'the fair' (and hopefully not a 'circus'...). When it comes right down to it, Bob - YOU are the 'FAIR'...a very, very wise way to 'go about' things would be to 'be prepared', then you won't be as blind-sided when something DOES 'come up'.... far as the 'to each their own', from landowner point of view...think about yourself, do YOU really want to 'incorporate' YOU LAND/PROPERTY in with other people's *PROPERTIES? That would entail too much for most people. What's mine is mine & what's your's is your's & THAT is why we don't have 'communes' like Harmony, Pa. anymore - or like Russia was...PROPERTY OWNERSHIP is individual - leave it that way (for 'EVERYONE involved'...). You'll all be much happier & sane that way.

*DO get your 'group' together & address things like I shared, & you'll do FiNE. Any questions that you all would need help with sorting out - DO ask for 'advice' on this site +...remember, all information is good information. You can sift * sort through information well enough for'll maybe even get some insights that trigger things you never thought of before...THEN you're 'loaded for bear' for when the 'times comes' (no time like the present...). THEN you'll 'know what you know what you know' - you'll have certain points that are imperative to have, others that are flexible/ not necessarily deal-breakers. There will be matters among your group, individuals who will start out one way, then end up another (you'll see...again why 'incorporating' is NOT a good idea...). *Always command your own ship - no one 'sinks your boat' but YOU. REMEMBER THAT & you'll be fine.

As one light lights another, nor grown less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. To EACH their OWN (fair deal, that is...). What is 'fair to one' is not to another...what works for one differs for another. BUT - your idea of having a 'discussion group' scenario to DISCUSS & LOOK AT GOOD POSSIBILITIES is very, very fine, so that you will all be able to address matters diligently & even keeled (*REMEMBER - it's YOUR 'fair' ship, captain!) - and you won't get 'knocked out' by a 'curve ball' taking the wind out of your sails. Land Ho!


Thanks much for the insight into who the participants in that thread really are.  I respect your knowledge of this, and wonder how you got to know so many so well.

I also know well the potential conflicts within large groups, but sooner or later, we'll all benefit or pay a price that depends on how well Crawford Landowners hang together and act intelligently in the community interest.  If a flash in the pan is the strongest group we can imagine and form, then we get exactly as much energy from that flash as we deserve.  If, on the other hand we can tilt the market as little as one percent towards level, the dollar value of that tilt swamps either the asset value of the 150 ac or the 8ac owners.  Every greedy man for himself is a philosophy that will serve the monopoly cartel well, because it will maintain their control of the market.  We certainly can't use this idle time to do any productive negotiating, cause we don't even have a straw man to say "no" to.  We could use it to form a powerful market-freeing force if we could act in our mutual best interest.  I really want to make my gains at the expense of the monopoly cartel, not my fellow landowners, but, of course, if they all prefer to ignore this opportunity, I'll benefit as much as I can, or just end up holding the asset for my heirs.  I suppose it's telling that the only folks who participate in this thread are those who believe there's no hope of coherent community action.

No, again, you misinterpret (but possibly, for you sake - hopefully indeed not). YOU are an optimist, a dreamer, doer, full of hope, drive, ambition, with a bit of...woven in. Never loose that, it can be driven/stolen from anyone. I, too am an optimist, bot a pragmatist optomist. It is good to have good concerns for all, and it is a worthy banner of pursuit - but don't be too dissapointed. The biggest thing to know what YOU want to attain - and to thine own self be true...all the rest is cream on top.

The reason that I am 'familiar' with the 'many' as you wonder is that MY heart is of your heart. I was all 'bright eyed & bushy tailed' in hopes (as have you) of GAINING G/O INTELLECTUAL INSIGHT from 'those who know' on these various sites...only to learn that it is quite 'cut-throat' & not all 'happy, happy-joy, joy' (like much of life).  That was a real first it was infuriating, then I left for a while - which was quite good to 'mentally distance' my mind from this group of antagonists. When I DID happen to 're-start to look/read' GMS again - I found that I could do so with a much clearer mind. I had been hopeful, hopes of insight into G/O endeavors unknown to myself dashed, left...and when DID read again - was with a much clearer head.

I was 'freed'. When I then 'came back' - I read quite a bit before posting anything again for quite awhile. I SAW/READ individuals that I kad 'known' from the 'first-go-round' and from what I could see, certain people were honestly trying to gain information, but they were being 'led along' & NOT being given ANY good information - and they were THANKING 'them' for how 'nice' they were to boot! Just too much for me...

*THAT is why I continue to suggest to the operator of this site to 'COLOR-CODE people's 'names' so that individuals have an idea of WHO/WHAT personal agenda's were being put out there.(i.e. landowners - remain in the 'shale-blue' color, lawyers in red, G/O employees in Purple, Pipelines in green - you get the drift here). Talk about 'organizational skills - see...? *Even GMS, with good suggestions  (because GMS has REALLY GROWN & continues to, God bless it...)...its hard to bring 'coherece' for the advantage of all.... - you'll run into the same problems with land interests.... With that said - I think they do a FINE job (for what my 'opinion' is/is not worth). ***Just know that it is UP TO YOU to understand things for yourself.


I agree with you concerning whomever decides to advantage themselves with 'diligently managing' any potential gain concerning their land - if they choose to good, and no skin off your back if they don't. It's just that I would propose that the best way of going about things is to just GET a group together...LOOK OVER potential G/O lease agreements. Heck - if you have to, go up to the COURTHOUSE & get COPIES of G/O leases ***public knowledge, just so you know - THAT is WHY they are 'listed' for public viewing IN the courthouse*** (i.e. you can do this, but ask first to be sure is always best...). THEN you'll be able to FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF(ves) with basic 'lease format'. ASK others of addendum's that they have written in - ask if now that things have been done WHAT they would have ADDED if it had been thought of AT THE TIME.

*HERE's the main key: DO YOUR HOMEWORK...if there is a group of you, even better. It MAY 'start off small', and then grow...this is 'where there is a will, there is a way' *ENDEAVOR* takes over. I am ALL for you in this, it's just that I understand all too well how difficult it is to get something like this together (in some of the ways that you are now thinking)...don't be scared to alter/tweak some of your thoughts AND ALWAYS remain open to change. STAND YOUR GROUND, but remain open for your own advantage. It's a fine balance.


You mention the thought of 'every greedy man for himself' - whoa, whoa, whoa...wrong thought. Back it up...if people WEREN'T 'greedy', then we'd all be under a 'communistic system' & thank God we're not ( one takes your power from you, you 'give it away' - remember that one, too). IF YOU yourself weren't 'greedy' you wouldn't find it important to have what you have - would you? NO, you would not. Whether you invest yourself in YOUR LAND, or you 'inherit' YOUR LAND (if you didn't take care of it - you'd LOSE IT, right? Right.) - doesn't matter - ALL LANDOWNERS are essentially 'selfish'. In THAT respect being 'selfish' is NOT a 'dirty word'. ***Society in general today has DUMBED DOWN our society in general into beLIEving that 'we are selfish' IF we don't 'donate' to this or that. Hogwash - PURE HOGWASH!

A LANDOWNER is a GOOD STEWARD who is CONCERNED with their endeavor - whether it be a 'home' (and possibly garden, pool or...+), business (farm...+), or just 'pleasure' (camp...+). The main point I was attempting to make to you, and I apparently MISSED my mark, was that ***with MANY independent, individual ideas & purposes/needs concerning various people's properties - there will be MANY things that EVERYONE agrees to be good for a lease & other people (because of various property 'needs needing addressed!') will NEED to have ADDITION to the other basic addendums! THAT's ADD! ***I'm saying to be mindful of 'EVERYONE's situations & you ALL will do fine together!!! 

In other words, in those there parts, there may be persons who have planted trees for harvest on their 40-50 acres, or 25 acres...a small landowner who doesn't think that 'they matter' because their land is just too small & not that important, a dairy or chicken or horse farmer who needs to be concerning about gates, drilling traffic across their land +...see what I'm saying? *ALL LAND is important and ALL LAND has different concerns. Never loose sight of that & EVERYONE WINS. Remember first & formost that everyone is different, everyone's land is THEIR personal 'castle', and everyone has the same (yet individual) purposes...the main thing is addressing G/O LEASE structures - so you'll KNOW what you know, when you see it! Keep it 'tightly loose' & you'll be fine.

As you READ/FAMILIARIZE yourself yourself WITH the 'G/O Lease' general wording - it's really NOT complicated! Like I said - READ, break it down (enlarge the type so that it will be EASIER! *KEY*), start by putting ???'s where something that you read (S-L-O-W-L-Y! read...) doesn't make sense! You can do this! It IS doable...but you (and whomever will join in this G/O crusade) CAN do it.

***Last, but not lease,individuals who post at this site don't think groups are good? Huh? No, no, no...not so - they ARE good. There IS strength in NUMBERS, it's just that it got to be 'loose enough' to work individually for everyone INDIVIDUAL LAND PURPOSE, that's all.

OK, I'm out of your hair...As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. ENDEAVOR. Who is John Galt? Go forth & prosper.


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