Well folks it looks like we tried to bite off more than we could chew.  I posted the "Sign up now" test thread and got some responses.  So to those who thought it might actually happen, I apologise.  I suggest you find a local group of landowners and join that group.

The reasons for the lack of punctual organization are many.  Not enough volunteers, not enough input from enough folks who care, it doesn't really matter.  The last I heard there was to be a website, or a page on GMS for this group.  I have not seen either materialize.  I especially apologise to James Brinks Esq. for encouraging  him to volunteer his time to YSU as a guest speaker.  I volunteered myself as well, but I haven't received any feedback by Mr. Mark McGrail on it, so I can only guess it is not going to happen.  

Ron Eiselstein,  I remember your post "I am in tears just thinking about it" referring to the name "USA", I also thought it a great name, too bad it never materialized.  If there is any hope of resurrecting the idea just let me know, but at this time I am a little too deflated to start all over again.

Maybe I'm an impatient man and this will actually happen in the next couple of years, but at that rate it cannot help most of us who need it.  Once the land has all been leased, the big boys will have gotten their way, and  landowners who needed help will have gone their own way, at whatever cost.

Good luck to all. 

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USA is not dead.

When I agreed to help organize the association/organization my only requirement was that it be done correctly.

This means proceeding in a deliberate manner, which means slowly.

Since the first discussions about such an organization there has been an avalanche of helpful suggestions. Working through this information is time consuming. Plus we have had input from Mr. Mauk and we hope to coordinate with him and his ventures. After all, who initially brought us all together ? Therefore, a certain amount of respect should be shown to him.

We have also been researching web site design and other electronic media.

Finally, I have spent countless hours working to defeat the anti shale development charter amendment in Youngstown. All the while telling those that I met that I was working on behalf of the "People of the Shale" and their organization United Shaleowners Association. During this effort I had the opportunity to work with the infamous FANG. His high level of energy can be draining in itself.

Let us not forget our first activity at Yellow Creek Theater this August. The initial planning for this event has been time consuming. In between I am still attempting to earn a living.

We have also begun thinking  about events in other areas of shale development.

We will have our organization. Patience is the word for now.


Even the judges are getting together to discuss O&G; 

IMHO another reason for USA to move forward and form as landowners are the gateway to the product, without us there is no industry.


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