we are thinking about doing this bt there is no real way to say whos making what?  someone out there with a current lease  please tell me how thats going so far...is it all they promised and then some or is it all just a dream and you get crap?

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no it doesn't . thats about the only thing it doesn't have.
The rlstore.com site now has Production reports for wells. They must report production every 6 months per PA Law.
hey is it better thna the PDE website where people have to list permits and stuff...like is is just a list or does it give you address and acre amounts, who the compnay is as well as a map with that same info on it? Just want to know if its really really worth it to spend the money on it. I can get lsit of a PA website but it basic, whatcha think real differnt or?????
Well I hate to tell you to spend money . Maybe you wouldn't like the website . i like it . it tells you a lot of info. maps of townships with gas wells . tells you when they apply for permits. what company it is . If you tell me your county and town ship., and email i'll email yu the map . See what you think. let me know
I will email it over thank you :)
Is your unit 640 acres? Are they planning on drilling more wells? I know that Shell/East plans 6 wells from each pad.
Our unit is 640 acres. Originally i was told the pads were big enough for 12 wells . I don't know if they plan to drill more wells on the pad .Time will tell.
Dolores,I would ask Ultra what these two wells are producing those figures sound low for your area Ultra has been claiming ten millon aday out put in that area your numbers show about one third of that?
We thought it was odd. So we did call. They told us it wasn't producing as well as they expected. We got a check the first month for just 5 days and it was decent. it was producing pretty well. The second check was for a month and they told us it wasn't producing like in the beginning. the neighbors all thought it was strange that it stopped so quickly. How else could we find out . We have called Ultra and thats the story we got
Does your lease have the right for you to audit them in it? The lawyer I did decide to go with also has several suits against these big companies for not paying the owner their royalities...one suit he has was for as much as 28 million dollars in unpaid royalities. I would audit and then film the site, take picutes of any gages or meters onit, even if you dont understand it and do it for like 5 days in a row.. and let me know if you want my lawyers info..he is the first guy that said, he we are already being overpaid to do a pretty easy job, reading the contracts, I wouldnt ask for part of your royalities...
Thanks. I'll have to see what i can find out. Could you give me the lawyers info.
john smith 724-745-5121...he's awesome email him from the smith and butz website and he may even respond over the weekend he is very available for his clients.....


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