The maps show the wet gas fairway running through east  Athens and part of Meigs co. yet their seems to be nothing going on in those areas. am I missing something. looking for some input from the experts.

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Check out the Gulfport Investor Presentation page 10 Utica Shale Overview.   This has a Utica Overlapping Sweet Spot highlighted,  and gives you an idea how they came up with that target area.    I think this shows you were they are currently targeting and why.

Thanks for the link Dave, very informitive, it does shed light on my question. I will study it in more detail at a later time.

like the cows in the pasture, they go for the greener grass first.


There is no doubt that action will move further south and west into Meigs and Athens though until infrastructure is in place, technology improves, and leases already paid for and consolidated are drilled out, not much will happen in Athens and Meigs.

See recent article at which discusses the move south and into Washington County, OH.

This play has many years to unfold and much will be invested in pipelines and processing in time.  Drillers will indeed venture into the fringes eventually in order to sweat the sunk costs of plant, pipelines and other equipment for as long as they can.  The entire basin presents opportunities and I feel that it may pay off significantly for those that wait in counties like Athens and Meigs. 

Yes the land owners will be better informed, and should be able to make better decisions, I guess that will be the upside of the wait.

Check out the GMS discussion entitled "Wood Co. WV Cracker Plant???"

The development of such a plant in Wood County, WV could only be good for Meigs and Athens counties in OH, not to mention Washington County, OH.  

Keep an eye on this development...

I would like to see something happening in Meigs co. the people need to get some return on their hard work. I do not live their but ,I am a land owner. a lot of hard working farmers could use a little oil money. the geology does not look that bad to me, but I am not an expert .I would think the Ohio River would be a plus for the O/G company's in that area. I guess time will tell.

I think fracking is banned in Athens.. I'm not sure about Meigs co. though.

No, it is not banned in Athens County.

fracking is not banned in Athens or Meigs, just a group of non landowners trying to tell city councel to ban fracking in Athens... which by the way they can not do.

when I was a kid my mother told me not to play in traffic. I might get run over. anti frackers might be wise to heed this advise.

Just a few liberals telling lies, spreading rumors and fear, and being afraid of development. Just a bunch of noise they are making... while they clearly lack common sense. Drives me nuts. 

Right on!

Well then I guess back to the original question-- Why no drilling in Athens and Meigs counties?  


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