EV Energy Partners has said it intends to keep an additional 73,500 acres in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, at least for now. The acreage being retained totals 56,600 acres in Ohio and 16,900 acres in Pennsylvania.

The company said it intends to keep its shallow vertical-only wells in Ohio’s Clinton sandstone and the deeper Knox wells.

Walker also announced in Friday’s teleconference that his companies and a partner are developing a new plan to drill 20 new exploratory oil wells in three areas of Stark and Tuscarawas counties.

That drilling could begin late this year, officials said.

The company is seeking to locate and develop what’s called the volatile Utica oil window that drillers so far have largely been unable to tap.

The project’s partner was identified by Walker only as a privately held energy company with acreage near EnerVest’s holdings.




Could the partner be Sierra?

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Thanks......i'll try to send you a private message

James, the Gribi well is in production. The Mizer well has not been drilled yet by looking through the ODNR databases. The Mizer well has a horizontal permit issued but nothing more has been done by Chesapeake. Sounds like if they get all the landowners to sign amendments the Mizer well will be drilled in the future.

if the mizer is already permitted then the drilling unit has been set and they cannot change it without a new permit so i dont see how they could make amendments with a permit showing the drilling unit all ready 

The well that is in production with the pump jack and tanks is the Gribi well. The Mizer well pad I think was built by Chesapeake but nothing has been done on it yet. I looked at the Mizer permit on ODNR and it has not been drilled yet. If the Mizer well was in production the Ohio ODNR would have reported it as producing status. The Gribi and Mizer pads are 2 separate wells and units by Chesapeake.

The well that oil is being hauled from is an old well just in front of the new pad. The old well has been there for many years. There has been no activity on the new pad since it was built.

I'm just going to drop in at Glenn Mizer's and speak with him.  All of your thoughts and advice is appreciated!  We all want the Texas tea.

what a great idea Sharon

Thanks Russ. James must be talking about an old shallow well on the Mizer property from years ago then.

This is my thought too. And the permit would be there as is the pad because it was their intention to drill and then the problem arose with that location. It would also make sense that they came to us looking for additional acres. I was told they will be constructing 3 pads side by side. 

there is noway they would put well pads side by side  one pad easily covers 640 surrounding acres  which equals a square mile ......they have went to this type drilling to get better return in the shale and to lessin the footprint on the enviroment .....so they wont be building well pads side by side on a 1280 unit they would build one big well pad and drill as many as 18 wells or more on one big pad  

Possibly they pour the pad in 3 sections?

 Thanks Russ


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