Look for development along the Cambridge Cross- Strike Structural Discontinuity.


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Actually they do not generally drill or complete wells in the fault plane due to the difficulties of maintaining a borehole. Of the thousands of reservoirs developed in complexly faulted areas, only a handful have exhibited earthquake activity of a magnitude sufficient to be felt by people at the surface.
r2d2, the reclaimed coal land? Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
My apologies Rick. Is anyone else having problems with the link? It's working for me .

Your fine the joke is on me this time! I moved the page to the right and there it was lol sorry! 

Mobil Phone issues with download but no problem with the download on my PC.

Thanks for your efforts James.

Your welcome. The file is quite large.

The precambrian rock is about 3000 feet below the Utica in Ohio.  The interest in the precambrian seems to be for injection wells for brine water and possible CO2 sequestration (add smirky laugh here).

Is the precambrian somehow known to affect the Utica in Ohio?


Philip, Chesapeake Gulfport Anadarko and Devon must think so. For an example see Inset Map 5 of Mr. Baranoski's map. I will also attach a link. This is on the Knox/Licking County line. This is a 500-600' mountain range under the surface of course which Mr B has named Utica Mountain(53). The Red dotted line is the Utica Mountain Fault(52). Devon Energy drilled horizontally and parallel within yards of this fault last year. Results.... Not so good, but I hope this shows you that these companies will and are looking for something special in these underground structures. Devon and Anadarko have exclusively sought these structure in all their drilling operations. Also look at the Highlandtown Fault(30), CHK has drilled it every which way it can.
Philip and All, this is another example of development along a fault line. Remember my mention above of the Utica Fault(52) and Utica Mountain(53)? They are in Morgan Twsp Knox County.
They "lovey the fault".



Here is a cross-section that I have posted elsewhere.  From what I understand the shales formed at time when the land mass that contained them was not up against the Basement as it now is.  The land mass came in from the right and smashed into the Basement.  This event had more effect on the  Utica in Ohio than it did on the Utica in PA.  Hence the structure of the Basement became important to the hydrocarbon distribution in the Ohio Utica.  I suspect that the PA Utica will display more homogeneity.


I have property in Jefferson Co Ohio. It's across the river from the northern tip of Wv what can you expect from this area? Thanks


Here are some maps from Gulfport presentation of Nov 2013:

(double click for full screen image)

(Go to Gulfport website for a better picture)


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