These rumors have been published for about six months and location shown on some company slide presentations.  Location is shown bordering the Ohio River.

So today it all may be coming true!!!!!!!!!!    Good times for the Ohio Valley!

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The local news is reporting it also. Should be in Parkersburg or Wood county WV.

Yup! Same place I heard it from I believe :D

This is the latest info from WTAP, but still no name of company.

The live broadcast did say they had 180,000 employees worldwide.

OK this link gives company name which is Odebrecht out of Brazil.

Okay, this is my last post as I have to go to my real job.

Braskem, a Brazilian company will make the polymers; that name has been on a slide in some company presentation for several months.   I don't have time to look that up.  

Will be interested in hearing lots of comments.

Don't get too excited yet.  The article is full of words like  "potential"  "possible" "option"  just like the Shell plant in Pa.  It is not a done deal yet.

No it is not a done deal, but I think it has as much possibility as Shell in Pa.    And I don't think it has to be an either or.   Yes, to many it might appear the location is not in the heart of the play, however, IMHO there are going to be several "sweet spots" in the Appalachian Basin.

Take a look at Antero's November presentation and see all their drilling activity in central  WV.   Also drilling in  the southern Ohio area of the play is ramping up.   Sending ethane to a cracker in Wood Co would make sense for those locations.  Gulfport's acreage is located much more toward Shell's location.

One other observation is WV has been doing business with big time chemical companies for at least 60 years, they are not adverse to working with this type of industry.

As far as transporting the product to the Gulf, one of those projects, Bluegrass Pipeline is encountering strong opposition in central Kentucky and are mailing lots of expensive materials to residents who are not even close to the location of the proposed route.   So will all of these proposed pipelines to the Gulf be built, probably not.  The pipelines already in place that are changing directional flow are probably a much better option.

Nothing like watching a good scramble to see which companies prevail in the infrastructure build out.


I heard the Atex pipeline is supposed to go online the end of December early January. Seems these companies are going to jump on board and ship the ethane to Mount Belvieu on the Gulf Coast, and Sarnia Canada. Other pipelines such as Meriner West and Sunoco Mariner East are going to be used as well by producers. There must be a ton of ethane in this gas in the Utica to build cracker plants as well as all these pipeline projects.

I hope your state doesn't give them a bunch of freebies they don't deserve/need in hopes of bribing them to come. PA is finding out the hard way you can give everything away and these O&G companies will pull the carrot a little further away and ask for a "little more."

Sam, time to tell me I used to make sense and how Shell is not exploiting a naïve Gov desperate to show job growth at the expense of the taxpayers....

Very interesting article about the proposed cracker plant for Wood Co. WV.  This man is definitely thinking development within the Marcellus/Utica shale area, not shipping all of product out.     Targets NE Ohio as the place to ship product.


     We like to say West By God Virginia when people make that Virginia slip up!


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