Immediate concern: Don't just sit there: Obamacare TAX on Royalty income. 6 days left.

Obamacare TAX on Royalty income- just one of the Obamacare tax hikes. Maybe the last ever chance to stop it.

Surtax on Investment Income (Takes effect Jan. 2013): A new, 3.8 percent surtax on investment income earned in households making at least $250,000 ($200,000 single).

Where is NARO on this?  Where is United Shale-USA on this? People you need to save yourselves.  Grass roots yourself and stop settling for organizations to do everything or nothing for you.  We saw how one of Corbett’s latest laws slipped through the cover of darkness affecting royalty owners, and then there’s Obamacare.   This may be the last chance opportunity to stop it.   All Republican Senators need to jump on board with Senator Ted Cruz.  You need to contact them.  No more fraudulent Republicans.  Call them today and encourage them to grow a spine.

Please read below and visit

passing this on.........:

Fellow Conservatives:

This is an urgent update on the fight to stop funding Obamacare.

Senators Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and John Cornyn (R-TX) -- the top two Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate -- announced yesterday that they will support "cloture" on the government funding bill, giving Harry Reid and the Democrats a procedural green light to fund Obamacare with only 50 votes.

Breitbart News is reporting that McConnell and Cornyn are using their leadership positions to pressure other Republicans to oppose Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) in their effort to defund Obamacare.

According to a senior staffer quoted in the news report, "Nobody is fighting harder to make sure Obamacare is funded than Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn."

This is the ultimate betrayal.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Senate Republicans to Stand With Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, Not Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn

We knew Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn weren't with us when they voted to fund Obamacare earlier this year. But then, under pressure from grassroots, they said they supported the effort to defund it. They even ran political ads in their home states to make voters think they were on their side.

But now, faced with the prospect of having to fight for the things they claim to believe, these Senate leaders have surrendered.

Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn have surrendered to Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and the Democrats. More importantly, they have surrendered to Obamacare -- the biggest job killer in America.


We can't let these turncoats force millions of Americans into this liberal train wreck.

Obamacare is unaffordable, unworkable, and it's unfair.

Please contact the other Republican senators -- even if they aren't from your state -- and urge them to OPPOSE cloture so the Democrats can't fund Obamacare.

You can find the list of senators at  along with their contact information and where they currently stand on this issue.

It's very important for you to call senators today and urge them to stand with Ted Cruz and Mike Lee in the fight to stop funding Obamacare.


Time is running out. Obamacare begins in just one week. We must act now.

This country belongs to us, not the politicians in Washington. Let's make sure they hear us loud and clear.


Best regards,

Matt Hoskins

Executive Director

Senate Conservatives Fund

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Maybe you have not heard the recent stories about cancer patients that have been (at least up to this point) getting sufficient treatment, however now have received cancellation letters, and also may have to find a new oncologist in the middle of battling their diagnosis.   

BTW, I know plenty of people who have had cancer and received adequate treatment for such with their insurance policies over the years.  long, long long before Obamascare came along.


I am so glad many people you know received adequate care dealing with cancer and so have I, I am happy to say.
But, neither one of us know of someone with one of those type of policies receiving adequate treatment and care for cancer.
The truth of those policies is, the lack of coverage. Any person with a major medical problem would not have the proper coverage to deal with all their needs.
Cancer is an expensive disease to get and those policies never were set up to deal with a serious illness.
I'm happy someone decided a long time ago people who drive have minimum coverage. A set standard that must be meet so they are not underinsured incase of an accident.
The same intelligent decision has been made concerning health insurance.
It's very clear we do not feel the same on this issue and that is fine. If you feel a need to call me out again I promise I will not continue to reply. I will be respectful though and read your reply to me if you choose to write one.
We have been given the right to elect the people to make these policies and we vote to elect people to try and remove polices we strongly disagree with. On this issue you lost. The healthcare act is here to stay and yes with a few bumps in the road that does need to be flattened out. Bumps are not uncommon with new legislation. Nor is it uncommon for people to try and undermine or misinform other people if they disagree with the new legislation.
I stand by my original post and feel wonderful knowing so many hard working people who work 40 hrs a week but still can not get insurance through their employment, now can. People who can only find part time work can now have the piece of mind of having health insurance. The list goes on, the filed has been equalized.

Kathleen:   MANY people will continue to not have coverage.  The basic  issue is whether or not a Government has the authority to FORCE people to buy a product.   Period.    If I am happy with my insurance plan - regardless of whether or not it is considered bare bone", if I am HAPPY with it, then why should I lose it?   Or have to pay more for less coverage?     That IS happening.      Second, if it is so wonderful, why are those who "built it" not being covered by it themselves?     

Kathleen at age 61 and being a male maternity coverage for me seems like a waste. But another thing with  all of the so called non profits with cancer as their cause cancer treatment should be free but then again it might hurt the $2,000,000 salary the CEO of the American Cancer Society makes. Heck the little old Ohio Division of the American Cancer Society's consolidated division director is $500,000 a year! 

Yep - I stopped donating to the American Cancer Society when they got "stimulus money" to help "create jobs" back in 2007 or 2008.    Wrote them a letter, too about it - ridiculous     Also, some people on here need to grow a pair and post their real names - but maybe they don't want neighbors to realize how dumb they actually are, supporting this moron in the White House.    

Kathleen, over 5 million hard working Americans lost their health care coverage because of the healthcare act.

Hi Kathleen.  I was just curious to see if you feel the same now about the Liberalfacisocialistic law as you did before- given all the now evident craters of incompetence in Obamacare, or bumps as you call them.  

You seemed to me to be so eager from the onset of this post to carry the water for Obamacare.  We are only at the tip of the ice berg to seeing the INTENDED consequences of the law, and I just wanted take your perceptive temperature on the matter.

So they tell the young Social Security is something you have to pay into, but might face reduced benefits, and now they can also tell them you need to pay higher premiums to support everyone else.  After Obama continues to rack up record debt, what will be next?

Kathleen, the new legislation is so good many Democrat senators are worried about being on the unemployment line for voting against the interests of the majority of Americans and the well informed citizenry.

Everyone has always been free to send in all the extra tax money they want to Washington. If you are one of those and you really want to help others, then I recommend you pick a family that needs help and send them some money directly each month and leave the rest of us taxpayers out of it.  Don't expect everyone else to share your guilt for having more money than you need and don't support having other people's taxes increased to make you feel more noble. Put your money where your mouth is. Send all the extra taxes to Washington you want, but don't ask me to send mine to relieve your guilt.

Here is another one for you all.  So much for the Government wanting us to be self-sufficient.        No more wood burning stoves for you, plebes.      Buhahwhahaha.....all in the name of saving the Earth - while China opens up new coal fired power plants, even while SAYING they are closing coal-fired plants.    Whoops - as two Duke researchers point out, this is a bait n switch.  Will not help pollution.  

(I love using HuffPo as a reference, because the libtards consider it their Bible.)

Coal-Syngas Plans Would More Than Cancel Benefits from a Ban on Coal-fired Plants

Yang and Jackson report that China has approved a plan to develop a huge set of facilities designed to convert coal into synthetic natural gas. The process essentially involves placing coal, water and oxygen under high pressure and temperature until the coal releases a raw gas that can be separated into different components. The raw gas is further treated to remove impurities and produce methane or synthetic natur....

The plan is to use the syngas to fuel power plants designed to burn natural gas. Now, at first glance that might seem to be fine -- after all, natural gas is a relatively "clean" fossil fuel -- but in this case we're talking about natural gas derived from coal.

Yang and Jackson write that the "life-cycle [greenhouse gas] GHG emissions [from syngas] are roughly seven times that of conventional natural gas." If the syngas is used to produce electricity, "its life-cycle GHG emissions are ~36-82% higher than pulverized-coal-fired power."

And without pollution controls for mercury and acid gases at the gasification plants, this process isn't cleaner, meaning poor air quality will be part of the bargain. And if all that's not bad enough, the plants are water-intensive, using 50 to 100 times more water to produce a unit of methane as compared to shale gas."

If my extra tax dollars go towards buying Lindsay Graham a new dress, then I am not sending it to DC.    ABSOULTELY better to pick a local family through a church or the Salvation Army and send them your charity.    

Hey royalty owners -the Obamacare law sucks and you get to pay for it.  It's like doubling down on bad medicine.  Looks like 5 million policy cancellations might soon be 100 million.

If you can't keep your insurance, and you can't keep your doctor, and you can't keep your royalty, your premium goes up, your deductible goes up, your co-pay goes up, then what the hell good is it?

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms

article goes on to say:

"A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections. "



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