DEP email says Shell/SWEPI is getting permits to plug some of the Halterlein wells.  I am not sure I like the sound of this.

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Did anyone ever consider that Shell may be moving out of this area?

Anything is possible, however, I wouldn't think that's very probable..Why would you plug wells that have the potential to be productive to a future buyer of the asset? Wouldn't the well be more valuable not plugged?

If that's because they sold out to HilCorp or another company with their act together I'm all for it....

Cheers :)

Interesting developments. From what I understand, a shut in well is a well that is capable of production but has been shutdown for various reasons. These could include work on the well itself, the pipeline or other equipment, or even just low prices. It is a well that the valves have been closed and can be re-opened. How long a well can be shut in depends on your lease.

Plugging involves filling with cement, a more permanent process.  I don't know how difficult it would be to re-drill a plugged well. Doesn't seem like something they would while waiting for pipelines to be in place.

In these cases, how many wells have been drilled on these sites? Shell usually drills at least three strata per pad....perhaps they are plugging wells in strata that are not productive?

Thats what I'm saying, they are not plugging all the wells so they still need pipelines to the pads. So the wells that are being plugged must be ones that were drilled to strata that proved to be non-productive. Any well that has production can just be shut off with valving until lines are in need to plug them with cement.

They Shell drilled and fracked two wells. I think they {Shell} may have drilled more  conductor wells on this pad.

A well on the Twentier pad is also slated to be plugged.
This is in Perry Twp. Breakneck Bridge area I believe.

That well is a stones throw from cheesman's, which threw out 9MCF. Doubt it is a bad well...

Cheeseman is a Utica well. Perhaps the well plugged at Twentiers is a different strata.


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