One thing you have to give the anti shale development crowd is that they are creative. They continually add to or change their message; like their core message the changes are just more misinformation.

Take for instance the new cry about shale development being responsible for more traffic deaths. The theory is that with more traffic on the roads  due to shale development that there is an increase in accidents resulting in more deaths. The problem with this theory, just as with the anti message in general, is that it is made up. There are no facts to back it up. (BTW I am speaking about Ohio)

In fact just the opposite is true. For the first time since traffic death record keeping began (1936) Ohio has had fewer than 1000 traffic deaths. In 2011 there were 1,016 deaths, 2012 1,122 deaths, at this point confirmed traffic deaths for 2013  is 923 with a few cases pending but even if all of them were confirmed the total would still only rise to 980.

So not only is there no increase in traffic deaths due to shale development, the number has actually gone down. This is just another example of a made up story spread by the anti shale crowd. 

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Not sure about human deaths but these things are killers of large numbers of birds including migratory birds because some of the wind farms are right in the migration route.


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