As we all know, the burning of coal creates "greenhouse" gases (ozone, sulphur, nitrous oxide, mercury etc). The process also produces PM2.5, particulate matter 2.5 microns or smaller. It also produces larger particles, PM10. But it is the smaller particles that are of particular concern.

PM2.5 are so small that they easily penetrate deep into lungs and are known to cause cardiorespiratory diseases. These diseases cause 3.2 million premature deaths per year. The increased use of natural gas for the generation of electricity is responsible for 400 times less PM2.5 in the atmosphere, and as a result fewer cases of disease and death.

The increase in the use of natural gas for power generation is due increased supply at less cost from shale development. This is primarily due to the application of the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.

Fracing Saves Lives !

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In addition to saving lives, fracing contributes to the reduction in toxic emissions "green house" gases.

The levels of emissions are at 1997 levels. The level of emissions is below those called for in the Kyoto Protocol and all proposed "Cap & Trade" legislation.

The free market always finds a way.

... and frac fluid has been shown to reduce facial wrinkles

My "toxic" well water has done wonders......No colds or flu, no critters in the house,clearing complexion, no aches and pains & great for digestion- Burp- think I'll have some more!


Frac Water is the all purpose household product. Thanks for reminding me of some of it's other uses, here's another - forget the exlax or prune juice a glass of frac fluid each day keeps you regular.

Almost as funny as a tree hugger chaing themselves to a tree with poison ivy all over it. See

You can say a lot of things about the anti crowd; being smart isn't one of them.

Very funny Billy.


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