Have you noticed that the anti shale extremists bring out one unfounded concern after another as each one is proven wrong ?

First it was water well pollution due to hydraulic fracturing (wrong), then increased air emissions (wrong), then endocrine disruptors (wrong) on and on. As I said, each off their chicken little claims have been debunked. Yet, do they stop, ever admit they have been wrong? No! They just make up something else .

Now it is radiation contained in oil field wastes. This is a good one since radiation is misunderstood and therefore scary. But we shouldn't be afraid; we are surrounded by radiation every minute of our lives, it's called NORM, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. NORM is radioactive materials naturally present in the environment (soil, air, water, sunlight). NORM emits low levels of naturally occurring radiation and is common to the environment. The radiation contained in drilling wastes is NORM, it's "safe".

Having said that, and to be completely open, there is an issue with TENORM.technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials. Under certain circumstances the NORM from oil and gas wastes can become concentrated.

Fortunately , the Ohio Legislature passed HB 59 which changed various aspects of the regulatory approach toward oil and gas waste material management. One aspect dealt with by HB 59 was the regulation regarding TENORM. Three agencies have responsibility for the disposal of oil and gas wastes - Primarily The Ohio Department of Health, then the ODNR and the Ohio EPA. HB 59 provides for greater coordination between the agencies, it also adopted amendments jointly developed by these agencies.

The bottom line is this; the anti shale crowd is spreading misinformation about radioactive material contained in oilfield waste. The reason is to create fear in the general public with the intent to have the public demand an end to shale development. Unfortunately for the anti crowd, most oilfield waste only contains NORM; and that waste containing TENORM has been addressed in legislation and regulation.

Just another chicken little scare perpetrated by the anti shale development crowd. Our legislators and regulators are on top of this issue.

Here's are two short articles from the EPA and Ohio Environmental Law Blog about the subject.



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I am not with the anti shale crowd, I am in the biz.
Why is it so difficult, to get a water sample or completed analysis of Utica flow back and production water?
I have some plans on working this boom.
Can anyone send me a competed water test, or Utica flow back, and production water?
Please post it here, or email me with a message on this site.
I told the anti frackers, that if they really want to accomplish something green,
That they should work WITH the industry, to develope solutions for realistic concerns, instead of alienating them and demonizing etc.
I don't think I made much if an impression though, they seem pretty dead set against drilling in general.
Now, I hope I don't get lumped in with them by the spooks and goons at the NSA,
Just because I emailed them, and they forwarded it etc.
This isn't the America I was taught we lived in, back in high school.
It is an Obama-Nation in this country , these days..........but I still hope for the best. How many anti frackers, do you figure voted for Oblabla?
I am guessing over 95%.
This is an indication of intelligence.
The foolish, were fooled....."I get on my knees and pray....WE DONT GET FOOLED AGAIN!"...The Who


I have publicly debated anti shale people for over two years, and debunked their talking points over and over. I have yet to hear from even one of them that I was right.

The reason many, not all, of the anti shale folks won't admit defeat is that the arguments they pose are just canards, straw dogs, they are not the real issue. The national movement is about doing away with all fossil fuels period. They believe we can just convert to renewable and alternative sources of energy. Now you may wonder why they jut don't come out and say that. The reason is this, in order to do what they propose it will require great sacrifice on people, and they know once people realize what that sacrifice means no one will want to support the "green revolution" Instead they use the straw dogs of water pollution, air pollution, radioactivity, genetic disruptors and so on to scare people in order to win their support.

You are correct of course, if they were truly committed to protecting the environment they would work with the state agencies and industry. You bring up a great point, the companies are now recycling about 90% of the flow back water.

I can't help you get a sample of the water. I would think companies would be hesitant to hand out that info for fear of it being used against them. This doesn't mean that they wouldn't be willing to work with you if you established a relationship and some trust. After all, the recycling process for flow back water was an effort between companies and support companies. So maybe they would work with you too.


Radon is a far worse problem and danger to people than radioactive materials associated with the oil and gas industry.


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