Thought I'd start a place to post about the Wall Site. Looks like they are fracing it now. This site is less than a mile into Beaver County and less than that from some of Shell's leased land in Lawrence County. (Mine included) If you hear anything , please post it here.

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Folks ... Our farm is less than a mile from the Wall pad so we purchased the Well Location Plat from the Pa DEP and found they are permitted for both the Marcellus and Utica. Both horizontal's run N,NW from the pad, parallel to I76 and are both 5,200 feet long. The Marcellus verticle bore anticipated depth is 4,485 ft., and the Utica 9,108 ft. The Marcellus total acreage is 249 acres, Utica 415 acres. I do not see any indication as to the drill unit size. The verticle cross section of the Marcellus bore indicates a strata thickness of approx 500 ft. and appears to be the same for the Utica. The water trucks are hard to miss on the local roads leading to this well. I consider these minerals under our land(s) to be the perfect renewable resource that Mother Earth is passing on to us just in the nick of time. KOF! (Keep On Fracking)                        

I believe the thickness of the marcellus formation in this area is about 50 feet and not 500.   This is indicated on maps from

Hi guys, the Marcellus Shale thins as you move north in Beaver County.  It is < 25 ft thick up there.  However, the Marcellus is up to 70 ft thick on the line of Washington County.

The Upper Devonian/Rhinestreet Shale is about 400' thick there and that is probably where they are drilling your shallow well.

Oldfarm, Please upload the Well Plat if you like.

Agreed Todd.  

I saw some of the first vertical well logs here in South Beaver from 2007 and the Marcellus is around 40' thick here.

Todd ... Here is the plat I referenced. Perhaps I was reading it incorrectly. Looking forward to your input.    


Thanks OldFarm,

Here is the Marcellus Net Feet Map from the DCNR.  It shows northern Beaver County with < 25' of Marcellus thickness.  Although, this map is definitely not 100% accurate as I've seen in southwest Beaver County and northern WV.

The Wall well plat that Chesapeake drew up is not very clear here, and I see why you thought the Marcellus was so thick.  However, it is not possible for the Marcellus to be as thick as the schematic unclearly states.

Good news for everyone:  Due to the close proximity to the Onondaga, Chesapeake does indeed look like they are drilling to the Marcellus Shale with the Wall 3H M lateral and the Marcellus is probably about 20 to 25' thick here.  They maintain the lateral at a total vertical depth of 4485' the entire length of the well!

From talking with the senior geologic scientist with the DCNR, it was previously thought to be uneconomical to drill in shale layers less than say 50'.  So, it appears that our drilling/fracking technology is continuing to evolve very rapidly.

So, I see on the PA website that there is also a Wall 3H well (permit 007-20352)... I presume that is being drilled to the Utica?


Todd ... Attached is the Wall 3H permit you referenced. I was going to include this with the previous post but it appears to be almost a duplicate. What are your thoughts? Thanks.   



This attachment is also for the Wall 3H M Marcellus well.  Just a different date on it... Probably a revision of the same well with nomenclature, etc.

Hi Todd do you have any idea's about the thickness of the Marcellus near the patterson well in little beaver. Up the road from new gallie.they have 7 wells on that pad sounds like a lot for 25' thick. Thanks rich


According to the info listed on the Patterson well plats Shell has indicated the Marcellus to be 114', the Utica is 304', the Trenton is 150' and the Black River is 400'..Looks like some really good numbers!!!

968 feet of drilling pleasure!
LOL! :-)
Chris do you know how many acres are in the Patterson unit?

According to the Declaration Unit posted in Lawrence Co the Patterson Unit consist on 485.7 acres of which the Patterson's have 112 acres in the unit.


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