Gas production 530,608   Dollar value  1,777,536.80     Estimated royalties 222,192.10   This is for first 99 days of production. Is this good? I am new at this and this is a production report which I am in on.   Thanks

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What is the name of the well?

What is the size of the unit?

not sure of unit. well name is Michael McNicholas gre8h Havent got the DO yet.

567.66 acres. The pooled unit was declared 4/26/13 as far as I can tell.

ok ty how did you find that? where did you look?


Select: Greene County

Search: Chesapeake Appalachia

Dates: From 04/20/2013 To 04/30/2013
Look at the records dated 04/26/2013.
You can't view or print the individual pages without paying for them at .50 a pop.

You may want to read this thread before signing your DO.

Thank You

What is a "DO"?  I am new at this.

Division Orders

If you read this thread it will explain it:

OK thanks!



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