I have property in wetzel county wv. Located on the Tyler/wetzel line. About 2 miles from the big moses well in Tyler county. We signed a lease almost 6 years ago. They have not touched the property. The lease is about to expire but they have the right to extend it 6 more. Is there anyway we can renegotiate the lease? Signed for $1500 acre and 15%. I think the bonus should be more but the % is where the money lies. I signed early. I was ignorant then and would like another crack at the o and g co. We signed with gastar.

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Good luck J. I.

Every man is the Captain of his own ship.

Remember what Yogi Berra said ?

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

These guys across the table from you play hardball.

Like I said above I wish you the best of luck.

Jason; since no one gave you an answer I will give it my best shot.  First of ll, do not contact them in any way.  Your best hope is that your lease renewal falls between the cracks and it expires without them noticing.  Read through the lease an see what it says.  Many leases require you to send a written letter of termination and they can then renew the lease, even if you wait six months or a year after the expiration date.

If they opt to renew at the same rates, you will have no choice. But they may also want to make changes in things like unit size limitations or pipeline access.  If they ask for any change at all, that is the opening you can use to ask for the changes you want.  Of course, that doesn't mean you will get everything you want but you may get some things.  You will have to decide which things are most important.

Your best hope is that the company you signed with is not active in the area and another company is. But even then, Company A may extend the lease and then flip it to Company B at a profit. If Company A is still active, they will most likely extend the lease.

Good luck


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