anyone in Ohio getting Royalties from Company other than CHK??? Are the companies doing right by you???

People here complain about the deductions but never state which company is doing the deduction or which compnay is ripping them off.  I would like to know if any companies are doing right by the lessors.

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      I've seen a few Chesapeake and a Rex Energy Statement.

I haven't seen a statement that has done the landowner right.

As you know I have seen charges for: Compression, Processing, Marketing for the fist sale that was a bogus sale (come on people why not just steal once from these poor landowners. Twice?), Gathering???, Taxes that don't exist for NGLs, Free use of the oil & gas by the producer, slight of hand by the office folks for the humorous "Adjustment" said so very sweetly by the office girls when I called in.

Is it possible that some people don't believe in telling other when they have been man handled by their producer? That's the same mentality that allowed Land People to walk the hills and pay nothing for leases in a lot of areas, we don't talk about things like oil & gas, or overcharges and theft.

I hope you get some more responses Adam, but I think the landowners of Ohio have had their spines removed by their producers.

I can hear them all now talking where no one can hear them:

Let's just accept what they gave us, we don't want anyone to know we got duped!  

No use to complain, no one will listen.

I'm going to scream loud and hard Thief!! Theif!! until someone hears me. When my producer picked on my neighbor the Dairy Farmer, he made a big mistake.


Read the Shale Gas Reporter insert in this weeks Farm & Dairy. 5 billon dollar lawsuit in Pa against Chesapeake & Access Midstream by landowners claiming they were robbed of royalties! 


     I got the Farm & Dairy in the mail but have been too busy writing messages, and getting ready to hand CHK my lease complaints that I didn't look at it yet.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look.

I think Ohio landowners need to get their own class action lawsuit going! There are way too many companies with their hand in the landowners pocket illegally. I read an article a few months back that discussed this same issue and brought out in the open why landowners were being overcharged by Chp. Wondered how long it would take for the landowners to act! Ohio landowners need to act before they lose anymore money. Chp will continue to rip them off if they are gonna just let them do it! This could end up being the demise of cash strapped Chp if they lose. It is mho that they will lose this case! Hard to hide that much deceit!

Royalty battle: Pennsylvania landowners file $5 billion suit against Chesapeake


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