Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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We do not want anymore pipeline ROW on our property. Eclipse has already tore up our property bad enough with the 3 lines they ran from our wells to the cgf and paid us very little for it.They said they had the right to lay the lines on ours because the pad is half on our prop. even though the 3 well bores are not.The wells are actually drilled on the Stoll/Layfield property about 20ft off our prop.line.The only way we would let them run another line is if they stay in our existing ROW and pay us big money. Tell them to stay over to the east .Thanks  

Donald, will you be getting any royalties from the wells on your land?

Yes we have about 23.5 acres of our land in the Fritz unit. We are being told to expect royalties around feb/march of 2015. Eclipse says it is usually around a year from the time they break ground on the pad till when you receive royalties.They started moving dirt on our pad around jan/feb. of this year. 

Donald, thanks for the info.. Eclipse never mentioned or gave an approximate estimate of price per acre on royalties?. I guess time will tell

No, they are just saying their wells in this area  should be some of the best wells in North America.

Thanks Donald... we have around 38 acres in the fritz unit .. So it will be interesting to see what these wells will do ..

Donald do you know if the unit goes toward the highway or to 265? I hope it's our way. Lol.  But probably not.

It goes north. But the Law unit down the road from you is going north and may hit you


The Fritz unit does head towards the northwest and does not include your property.The fineran 2h unit does head towards you but will miss your prop to the east.In the eclipse august presentation it shows the law unit parralleled with the frank miller unit which would be a little south of you but the map they show is not very detailed.It looks like you might be in the next unit that parallels the fineran 2h to the west. Are you leased with eclipse?

Donald, have you heard anything about drilling around my land just south of the J.Anderson well?

I don't have any info. on your area.

We are with Anterro most the people on grape hollow rd are.


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