Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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I guess it's a little behind schedule but that's to be expected I guess.  

Donald , went past fritz unit today .. Any info why another rig was moved in ? Thought they had finished up fracking the wells..

I know they lost a tool down the hole last week not sure if their still working to get it out or not. But they was supposed to be done fracking.  Doing the Hayes unit now

i havn't heard anything about another rig coming in but I did hear they are doing some kind of production on October 15th.

Any idea on why Eclipse permits for the Fritz and Fineram wells are for point plesant formation , except for the Fineram 2h permit is for the Trenton formation ? Just curious ,, would it be for a test well in the Trenton formation?..

I was told by Eclipse guy that Trenton and Point Pleasant are both in the Utica shale.  I had asked if this was an experiment to see if there was better production and he said that there is no guesswork any longer.  The days of dry holes are over(at least in this area) and the only reason that they would go deeper is if there was better production probabilities due to information gathered.


I go thru Quaker City to Temperenceville to get firewood and I see that is where MILLWOOD twp is..?

The truck traffic is constant...

and very unsafe. along 265 147.. left of center constantly

PIPELINES in that area that were done last year..

are being RELINED with more pipelines RIGHT ALONG SIDE of the ones done last year....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One line had ONE PIPELINE done last year..


That big hill off 147 to the compressor ? station up on the an UNSAFE road at all times...

Winding tight turns with big trucks running LEFT OF CENTER  all the time.. dumb....

Out of Senecaville there is a cutoff road over to 265.. with a Well in production on the right side...

Each time I go past it.. an OIL TANKER is there.... must be putting out pretty good  !!

Agree, Mike. Something should be done about the way these trucks are driving. Left of center and too high speed for the road. Seems like everytime you drive on these roads it's a near death experience. The traffic is bad enough, but the lack of safety is over the top.

Sherrif Dept is responsible for the road traffic...

and I never see a patrol car out in that area..

and P NUTS... :)  lives out there.. ha....

I think all of you guys out in Quaker City.. need to get with P Nuts..

and get this solved before someone gets killed..

and its gonna happen...

I run a FORD 700... not a small truck... and they try running me off the road....

actually Pnuts cant do much about Temperenceville hill

as I think that's either Belmont or Noble county...

BUT.. Quaker City Cemetary HILL is Guernsey....:)

at the very least... McCAULY should get with the other depts. and get something done..

I had a State Trooper stop me in Quaker city once asking me HOW TO GET TO

265 / 147 ???

Ha... guess his GPS was worthless.....

He was just convoying.. they don't patrol... and SHOULD....

Once a day passing thru that area would stop a lot of this...

EVERY TIME.......I go thru Quaker City to TemperancevillE... EVERY TIME...


Pros and cons of development.  Some of the Amish are selling their mineral rights and buying land in areas without all of the truck traffic.

Very interesting article, Philip. Did not know there had already been some buggy accidents, but have been concerned about that.

I know the Byler family mentioned in the article.  Nice people, I am sorry to see them move but I understand why. 


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