Anyone out there know how the horizontal wells that Enervest drilled into the Clinton sandstone in Stark County (Ohio) are doing?

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The above link takes you to another post discussing EV using butane in horizontal wells in the 'oil window'.

Didn't (and still don't) know where the wells being fractured using butane are in Ohio (but surmised they were in the Utica).

Thought these Stark County wells (that this very post writes about) might have also been butane frac'd. horizontal wells (even if they were in the Clinton).

Guessing now not since I'm learning that the Clinton is water frac. friendly.

Let me know what's going on and where the butane frac. is happening in Ohio if you know or if you find out.



I just assumed it's the the Nettle wellin Tuscarawas.

The other post referenced above says that EV is using butane to frac. long horizontals in the Utica's oil window and also says water screws up the Utica rock - not me.

The post (as I interpret it) says this may be the answer to the Utica's oil zone (the code cracker ?).

I say I hope it is and wish everyone much luck.

true butane has been used to frack some wells but for the most part the drillers are using water and lots of it per well like 300 million gallons per frack  and those wells are making great production ......still trying to understand where you come up with the idea that the utica shale will get screwed up if they use water to frack .......butane and propane is a method but not widely used in frack jobs as water is   why do you think they haul all that load after load of water to a well site when they are in completion mode 

The other post referenced above says that EV is using butane to frac. long horizontals in the Utica's oil window and also says water screws up the Utica rock - not me.The post (as I interpret it) says this may be the answer to the Utica's oil zone (the code cracker ?).I say I hope it is and wish everyone much luck.

They use 3 to 5 million gallons per frac - NOT 300 million.

Lets not give the fractivists something else to worry about.

I don't see why they (the 'fractivists') would be more greatly worried about butane fracturing jobs myself.

The work of developing a gas / oil well is inherently dangerous and potentially lethal in itself even if you use only water to fracture.

The work is exploring for and developing flammable even explosive production.

It appears to me that EV says water fracturing the Utica in the Oil Zone causes problems / doesn't work well with the rock encountered.

Seems to me the butane they would use to do the fracturing job could be separated / recovered / sold as well as the recovered in ground resources (natural gas / oil / condensates).

Also no waste water to worry about disposing of.

Sounds like a 'win-win-win-win etc.' situation to me.

Short of no drilling / fracturing at all, I don't think any of the 'fractivist' type folks would be satisfied with any drilling technique myself.

They need to get used to domestic development because we need to develop our own resources and stop concerning ourselves with the well being / markets of the OPEC and similar rest of the interests in the world.

All only IMHO like always.

You missed my point. We don't need to be putting quotes out there claiming that it takes 300 million gallons to frac a well when we know that the average is really 3 to 5 million gallons. The fractivists will latch onto quotes like that and twist them for their own use.

I'm with you on that Finn - of course we shouldn't - and I didn't - that was written by someone else earlier which you responded to straightening the water amount out.

Since your previous reply appears to be in reply to mine I thought you might have had some sort of difficulty with what I wrote.

I now take it not.

Seems to me like we're in agreement on all of these fronts.

These replies can be a little tricky in as much that sometimes it isn't clear who is being replied to and / or an objection is actually addressed to.

I try to be careful on that and sometimes have to struggle to put my reply in the right place not wanting to cause confusion. 

I'm good.  You good ?  If so it's all good.

All good here J-O.

soryy I stand corrected meant to say 3 to 5 million not 300 million thanks for catching my mistake 


  Some of the drillers who are fracking  longer laterals with shorter intervals are consumimg 10-15 million gallons of water per well. I have personal knowledge of this based on water sales to drillers in the southern part of the Ohio Utica play.




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