How long does it take to get royalaties after a well starts to flow?

We are in the Mehalick unit and the first sale was feb. 21 rst and we still haven't seen anything. It's a Cheif well and we are with Chesapeake. Some of the Cheif landowners received checks a few months ago. I talked to Chesapeake several times and as always they tell you what you want to hear. Fist time they said June then Sept. Is there a time limit they have to abide by?

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   For the Buck Well 1H which started production in Feb 2014 under Chesapeake, the Division Orders arrived in June and the first Theft, I mean Check, appeared in July.

There were problems with late holdout landowners who signed on while the production was in progress.

Did you get a Division Order? Did you sign a lease?

If you can get Chief to pay you, then you might get by with minimal theft. If not, welcome to the Club!

No Division Orders yet. And yes we are in a lease with Chesapeake like I said, but a Chief Well. Do you believe it, they use our money interest free? That's what I told the Chesapeake Guy from Oklahoma such a shame they breathe lies everytime they talk.

I am the same situation as you. Well started producing October 31 2013 and I just received Division Orders from Chesapeake. Mitsui and Anadarko also bought part of my Chesapeake lease and they have been paying since May. Statoil also has a portion but have heard nothing from them. They just hold the cash interest free. And like you Chief operates the well.
But Chief does not pay me anything because my lease was with Chesapeake. Chesapeake had sold off portions to Mitsui, Anadarko and Statoil but retained some for themselves.


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