GMS members voted overwhelmingly for Corbett in our GMS Poll, so GMS landowners may be experiencing some angina this morning.

What does this mean for PA and the Marcellus?

Here was our poll...

Here are the actual results...

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Send your kids to a private school, they don't teach to hate America.
Thank God we are blessed with a Republican legislature! Isn't the composition of one's legislative body the truest representation of the peoples' views? You left wing communists know this to be true yet you remain captivated by the delusion of your hollow imaginations. You are totally blinded by your arrogance! Across this nation there is an awakening to your folly and this was most definitely reflected in this mid term election. As a Conservative Republican , I take much comfort from this FACT!


You are smarter than that. Looking at the record-no hype, no demagoguery, just the record-are you saying that our economy and national interests were better served under Cheny/Bush jr. than Obama?


 Absolutely,Issis would never have had a chance to start with Bush and Chaney.

911 wasn't enough for you to evaluate the hands at the helm?


 That started Home land Security.

Agreed Paleface, but you are identifying a reactive policy under Bush/Cheney as compared to a proactive approach under Obama. BTW, the senior Bush also was proactive, and that was to our better security and general welfare as a nation. His son just didn't have the smarts of the father, and relied on Cheney-who had/has his own agenda.


"There you go again". Reagan knew how to handle those jibberish speaking,double talking lefties.
Change your ways or emigrate to a land of like minded comrades. Take this as a big " L" in your column and find a more hospitable climate for your skewed views. I hear ISIS is hiring.......

Trapper, are you aware that you tend to speak in broad/grand overstatements and do a lot of finger pointing? How does that enlighten anyone or bring to the fore your best critical thinking? Platitudes and name calling are really childish, no?


Soap Box Time:  What really gets me about politics is the half truths that people on both sides believe.  I am in agreement with some on this post that politics in general is dysfunctional and full of lies. Lets start with Corbett denying he raised the gasoline tax.  He said he actually eliminated the gasoline tax in PA while removing an outdated Oil Company Franchise Tax to make the oil companies "pay their fair share".  Can anyone here guess who is paying that " fair share"?  If you don't live in PA you won't know the answer so here's a's not the oil companies.  So let's turn to Mr. Wolf.  He wants to enact a severance tax on the natural gas industry so the big oil companies "pay their fair share". (Sounds like he borrowed someone else's sound bite). Now I tend to think that there are some people out there who are naïve enough to actually believe that is the truth (they saw it on TV)  and the gas companies will just fork over their profits to pay the tax, just like the oil companies did for gasoline sold in PA.  Really? My concern is the new severance tax will be paid by the mineral right owners (including lauren and others on this post) thru deductions/reductions in their roylaties, not to mention Wolf's proposed changes (sorry I can't provide the details until he becomes Governor) in the PA income tax so the higher income families "pay their fair share".  Believe me when I say that I already pay my fair share. 

It is really sad that anyone in this discussion beleives that the people have won something in this election. We are in a really sad position for the future. The reds think they have a mandate but don't have a plan other than to vote everyone out. The blues have really sucked with their plans. We all vote the lessor of two evils, have had the crapiest healthcare among civilized nations, sub-pare education and going downhill fast and we have forsaken our veterans and truly needy because those of us working are tired of paying for the truly lazy and cell phones for single moms that use it to call their drug dealers. Everyone wants to blame someone else for everything wrong and our represtitives are afraid to vote yes on anything because it's gonna piss someone off somewhere and they'll get voted out. Wake up call! We didn't get where we are today over nite. Obama is just the icing on the cake. Half of our leaders are steering us the wrong way and the other half want to let go of the wheel.

if pa wanted democrat rule,why didn't they vote dems in charge ? Corbett had a few things that people couldn't get by. but I bet if they thought the dems would seize control of the pa legislature, Corbett would have won.  a half dozen democrat lawmakers just got out of jail and headed to Harrisburg to lobby.


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