Thought to post a discussion as well as the comment I left a little earlier (on the Ashtabula page).
I'll start it by repeating the comment I left there below :
Did you read the linked article wherein a couple of the big E & Ps intend to accelerate production even considering the lower oil prices since development costs are dropping ?
Also I'm thinking the Waterless Fracturing techniques are really going to turn the tide as far as the rock issues, waste water, and undetectable earthquake worry are concerned. True, recovery may be more expensive but we're talking about oil and rich condensate harvest as opposed to only dry gas.
Would like to see some of the math myself.
In any case the Utica is there and so are the resources (neither are absent as earlier posters wanted all of us to believe) - even the politicians acknowledge / confirm that much.
Also, I don't think it's time to put anything on hold but rather solve the issues (if there really are any to solve) and get cracking with development.
Infrastructure takes time.
I don't believe the issues to be insurmountable myself - I think it's time to attack them and solve (if they haven't been solved already and I really think they have).
I'm thinking it's just the beat down continuing but from a different angle today.
Not so much market conditioning - but more along the lines of asset management currently.
I'm not really believing much of what's being said / reported since I've seen so much of what has been previously said / reported earlier refuted.
Just me I guess - the cynic's cynic - but I think for plenty of good reasons.
Easier to track now Jesse ?
If the politicos acknowledge that economic growth for their geographic area / their constituency / the citizens resident in their sphere of political empowerment exists and only awaits attention / action from the industrial sector it doesn't make intuitive sense to me for the political leadership to put required preparations 'on hold'.
That to me translates as obstructionist behavior working against the economic betterment of their geographic area / their constituency / the citizens resident in their sphere of political empowerment.
A free thinking man / woman / citizen / taxpayer could ask what purpose / agenda is served by such behavior on behalf of the politicos ?
One might come up with a plausible explanation along the lines of those political powers placating the agenda of other entities instead of the citizens resident in their sphere of political power.
Maybe the politicos are actually saying that the industry has put development 'on hold' not themselves - I don't know but I certainly would like an answer to that one.
All only IMHO as it always is.
The issue with a nitrogen frac is gas quality. Must have nitrogen level in the gas stream lower than 4% before a pipeline co. will take the gas. Enervest did a nitrogen frac on a horizontal Medina well in northern Venango co. PA. I believe around 2004. results were less than average. However that was for gas, not oil. Could be a long time before much activity in the north with the present price. Best of luck and remember this industry can change over night.
Who gave Mr. Patterson the Right to speak for me and MY land. Is he and his cronnys the overlord of Ashtabula county? As soon as hes voted in hes pushing the envelope.
Well I say mind your own business and push school levies as you have always done.
Stay out of our possible oppourtunities to make a dollar...
Good to hear what you think Ronaround.
Let's hear from the rest of our neighbors.
Talk it up / write it up / I'm on your bus.
Please also post your replies on the GMS Ashtabula County page.
Hopefully more of our neighbors will read it there.
I posted the 'Discussion' there also in effort to reach as many neighbors as possible.
Thanks and good luck to us all.
A direct link to the Star Beacon story just above.
Just below a direct link to another article discussing how some producers will accelerate development in spite of lower oil prices.
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