Is anyone in the group knowledgeable about current events, particularly near Overbrook Road?  What type of unitization is in process for what well?

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Is there any new activity going on?  I am wondering about any plans going forward with new REX drilling or proposed sites? FMV mentioned something a while back something might be happening closer to the Allegheny County line ( and further away from the school.)


Here is the latest I've seen for Middlesex.

Locally, Rex has permitted the Sharlow well pad on the property of Elizabeth & Jana Sharlow in Jefferson Township, Butler County.  Rex is fracking the Powell well pad in Penn Township, Butler County.


Wondered what happened to that Stang.

Appears to be on hold. Gas prices or the zoning BS? Maybe both.

They have ROW agreements between there and Ferree so it might not be dead yet.

Might be a little slow around here for a while.

Is that Harry Stang family?  Remember the man way back. What was the name of the Leslie Road or thereabouts proposal?

Hey RB,

Yes I believe so. I remember his as Harold and actually had him as a teacher in high school. The farm is just south of the intersection of Leslie and Browns hill rd.

Eventually I would expect to see a pad somewhere along Leslie Rd towards Rt 8.


Pad will be off of Browns Hill.  Stang property does not reach Leslie.

You are correct susan, Stang farm is just about 1/2 mile south of Leslie off Browns Hill. 

My statement above is a bit misleading, guess I had too much Leslie Rd on my mind when I typed that.  lol

I cannot tell for sure exactly where the pad will go but I am thinking the pad itself at the south end of the hill behind the house where it starts to flatten out a bit and the pond on top of the hill. They seem to like to keep them high to keep runoff out of them.

Hard to say what Rex will do now with gas prices low. As I recall Huntley and Huntley hit that area pretty hard offering 10 yr leases w/6000 upfront money. Talking to a few people that signed w/them I have been told most have been flipped to Rex. If Rex is not under a lot of pressure to hold the leases they may back-burner that area for a while. Rex has a good bit to digest up north with all that Shell ground they acquired. Will just have to wait and see where they spend their capital budget.


Has a unit been established?


No record at the Recorder of Deeds site.  I would not expect to see an actual Declaration of Unit until the work is further along.

FWIW, Rex appears to be proceeding with the Harvey unit in Penn Township.  Three wells have been permitted and will be drilled from the Stebbins' well pad behind the Gumto green house.  I see continued permit activity for this well and I have seen the preliminary Unit outline which was sent to property owners within a certain distance of the Stebbins' well pad for water well checks.



They are moving dirt now at the Stebbins pad to make more room for drilling. Don't know if they're going to put in the pond now since they have the equipment on site. Their logitics dept really suck, make pad smaller, put up fence, come back 6 months later, take out fence, make pad bigger, same with the pond, they just graded it over last summer, now they have to build it again!  Full steam ahead for Rex even when their stock is getting hammered on Wall street! LewPa


You certainly saw the preliminary Unit outline.  I drew the outline on the Butler County GIS map application.  The acreage is about 1400 acres.  I think everybody had their leases modified to allow for 1280 acre unit size.  Normally, 10% overage is allowed so that is 1408 acres.  Pretty big unit if it stays that way.



I'm waiting for them to drill and see the final unit declaration. Part of my acreage is a old Phillips lease which Rex acquired and limits the unit to 640 acres, should be interesting, mo money for the lawyer! LewPa


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