From what I read the Senate couldn't muster enough votes to override the President's veto.

But, he (the Pres.) can still lift the veto should he choose to.

I'm hoping he so chooses.

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Imo, he keeps shooting it down because Warren Buffet owns the railway (bnsf) that moves the oil now, and Buffet contributed to Obama's campaign greatly. The pipeline would horn in on his rail business. Has nothing to do with jobs, environment, etc. Follow the money, politics as usual. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

Strong theory.

agree.   the only reason he or the democrats have ANY power to fool with this project is it crosses our northern border. he and his minions would shut down fracing everywhere if they could, down here. 

Sad to say - it really could be that simple.

The Keystone Pipeline Just Lost a Top Washington Advocate

Alberta elections usher in a new leader who says the pipeline is a U.S. domestic issue.

Former Alberta premiers Alison Redford and Jim Prentice were frequent visitors to Washington to promote the pipeline, and touted it as a necessary project for promoting Canada's oil-sands development. Prentice, who served just eight months, visited D.C. in February, speaking at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, meeting with government officials, and conducting a round of press meetings on the pipeline. Redford (who resigned in March 2014) was no stranger to D.C. In a 2013 visit, she met with Democratic Sens. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, who both backed the pipeline on the Hill.

But New Democratic Party leader Rachel Notley, likely the next premier, isn't going to be lobbying lawmakers in D.C.

Notley has said the project has been too caught up in American domestic politics and that she doesn't plan on promoting it. In an April interview with the Calgary Herald, Notley said there was "no realistic objective" to visiting Washington to discuss the pipeline, and that she'd instead focus on shipping refined crude rather than the bitumen that would be shipped on the pipeline.

There are still plenty of Canadian politicians who could offer domestic support for the pipeline—Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made it a topic of discussion with President Obama and others in visits, and Gary Doer, Canada's ambassador to the U.S., appeared with Senate sponsors of a Keystone approval bill this year and has pushed for Congress to keep promoting the pipeline despite Obama's veto of that bill.

The NDP has taken a more critical stance on the oil industry, which has strong ties to the conservatives. On the trail, Notley had suggested that she would review royalty rates paid by oil and gas companies once the drop in oil prices had settled. The party's platform says it will work to reduce the climate impact of oil development, looking at both the greenhouse-gas emissions from extraction and the impact of drilling waste.

Notley has also said she would not promote the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline to a planned Pacific export terminal in British Columbia, but that she did support other export lines like the Trans Mountain and Energy East projects.

The State Department is currently reviewing the Keystone XL permit, but Obama has said he won't approve the project if it is shown to have a negative effect on climate change. Opponents have said that the pipeline will exacerbate development of the dirty tar sands. It's become an environmental and political flash point in the U.S., where congressional supporters have pushed legislation forcing approval of the pipeline, a bill Obama vetoed.

In a statement, TransCanada, the company that would build the pipeline, said it looked forward to working with Notley and the NDP government but that it would "remain committed to Keystone XL as it will increase U.S. energy security by supplying American refineries with both U.S. Bakken crude and Canadian oil, pushing out oil from Venezuela and the Middle East."

So Canada applies the brakes to Tar Sands development now.

As that happens another 'Oil Train' derails and burns in North Dakota.

Hard for me to understand considering pipelines are described as being far more safe of a transport method when compared to rail.

Also obliged to ask why it seems that the 'world market' promoters in our hemisphere seem more interested in developing the overseas / foreign portions of it than those portions of it here in North America ?

I must be missing something.

A loss for the USA is a win for CHINA. 

2 years ago the Chinese govt. offered to the Canadian govt. that if the Americans backed away from the Keystone XL pipeline, they would build the pipeline to the west coast of Canada, build the refinery, build the port, utilize Chinese workers, and pay for it all. 

Again, short term thinking has screwed this country once again! 

Gas Boy,
When US oil is higher than world prices, that will be good for Me. Not so for my Country. Hey don't blame me. ; )

not blaming you............blaming our esteemed president and congress.   both can't see past their own shoelaces.

Uncle Remus will be out of office before you know it...then the next knucklehead will approve it.


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