According to Monroe County Beacon, April 16 and available today April 14:

Rover Pipeline LLC vs. Raymond Snell.

from Monroe County Clerk of Courts site:

Complaint is for Temporary restraining order; preliminary and permanent  injunction.

Snell owns property in Lee TWP  Section 2    right in path of Rover Pipeline

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Think about it, have you ever known or heard of any government organization able to maintain anything reasonable compared to one run by a private company. No profit? Sounds commie to me.

Communism is in the TAKING of someone's property...

Well no, it isn't.  Communism is a form of government that controls all means of production and distribution.  The United States has the most free and fair private property rights in the world.  With that freedom comes the caveat that occasionally property owners need to be compelled to look out for the common good of everyone and not just themselves.  The only one who's suggesting anything even close to communism is Ed with his government-owned pipeline idea.  

Plant and equipment isn't part of your "controlling the means of production'? And the property the plant and equipment resides on. Really...

The government isn't laying this line.  They're not building any facilities to process the gas.  The only involvement they have is in facilitating the orderly route of the line.  Ed wants the taxpayers to pay for the line, which is pretty much communism.  I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role government plays in American business.

In this case, there is a distinction without difference as to the actions of O&G companies and big brother...

The problem Ed is that you want everything for free.  Convenience costs something.  

If these land grabs were just, then one would find an equitable distribution of these proceedings affecting the proponents as much as the targets. Not the case...

As defined by the past 250 years, just compensation for a "taking", in this case, not taking entire possession of the property, only an easement, is usually determined as follows:

1) The property is assigned a value. Normally NOT what the county assessor appraises the property as that is usually much lower than actual value, but based upon actual comparable sales of property in the general vicinity and land type.

2) The appraiser then can use a value of "before and after", or just use the comparable sale value. The appraiser then calculates the obvious damages to the surface as in timber, crops or other existing use. He then calculates generally a 60% of per acre value plus the surface damages on the easement portion. In addition, the temporary work space is actually a rental of the property for usually one year or 10% of the per acre value.

In almost every case, the negotiated or quoted offer by a pipeline company will be 2-3 times the value of just compensation. As a landowner, you will be much better off having an experienced attorney go over the easement document to better protect you, and then after an agreed upon document, go for a little more money. If you just say no, then be prepared to be very disappointed in the result of an actual appraisal.

Telling anyone what they should do with the property they bought and paid for is wrong regardless of your rationalization...Again, I explain to people my property is my house. An honorable person doesn't go around telling you what you should do with your things. That same honorable consideration should be extended to others...

I guess you can't fix stupid. Good luck.

You never answered what it is that you hate about America that you find pleasure in stealing from farm people having worked their farms for generations.  I suspect there are quite a few readers that would like to know?


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