Let's make this the place to post information pertaining to anything and everything pertaining to pipelines,compressor stations,ROW acquisitions etc.
Links to websites,articles,maps,anything to do with infrastructure is just as valuable to know as where the next well pad is going in! (If not more so)

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Thanks, Mike.  Very helpful!

Proposed pipeline would connect Ohio's Utica shale to the Texas Gulf Coast
Would have maximum capacity of more than 400,000 barrels a day

Lauren Blue
The proposed $4 billiion project would transport oil and natural gas produced in Ohio.
Courtesy of Nestor Galina, Creative Commons
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In The Region:

Houston based energy company Kinder Morgan is proposing a pipeline that would connect Ohio’s Utica Shale to the Texas Gulf Coast.

The proposed $4 billion project would transport oil and natural gas produced in Ohio. Editor of Midstream Business Magazine Paul Hart says companies are looking for ways to transport oil and gas to ensure drilling here is profitable.


LISTEN: Paul Hart explains the oil Midstream.

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"The problem is that you’ve had a number of companies that have come in and drilled wells they have production that is ready to go to customers. How do you get it out of there? You have to have some way to move it to market," Hart says.

Hart says Kinder Morgan needs to gauge customer interest before building the pipeline. It would have a maximum capacity of more than 400 thousand barrels of oil a day.  

The Saudis are fools for thinking the have squashed our shale drilling! Billions being invested to get our resource to market. Round two of this boxing match should be interesting!


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