Bought a cabin in Tioga and the OGM's were transferred to me at the sale. I did get a confirmation letter from the gas company with them updating their records of ownership and they sent a letter of intent to renew the lease. I am just hoping they renew the lease at the amount the last 5 year lease was or more. I was told I should hear something by June/July, but haven't heard anything. Anybody else experiencing this or did you renew your lease lately?



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I called Talisman as our lease is up in November, as of right now they are not renewing our lease in Tioga County.  Not sure if that is the same for most people. 

Mr. Sasarak----give me a call anytime to discuss renewing your lease. David Reed, Seneca Lease Manager. 814-598-1407

Is Seneca interested in any acreage that might become available in the next few months near the Cruttenden pad or the Davis pad?

 Hi Brian you could give Derrick Bish a call at Senaca resources (814-220-1528) real good guy.If he doesn't answer he will call you back promptly. He's in there land dept.

Hi, Mike,

     I'm kind of a neighbor, over in Liberty township. I had a 5 year lease they renewed which is the norm. They will pay you what is in the lease for the renewal. My lease is up in a little less than a year but have still not been put in a unit or drilled or any of that. If they renew, all they have to do is send you a check for the amount stated in the contract. If not, you will be free to enter a contract with someone else.Check the date on your contract or you can go to the courthouse for that info.  I have two suggestions....Call the people that have been recommended in this post (people on here usually help each other) ...and look up info on pipeline ROW (right-of-way) as that is also a possibility for any landowner. Hope this helps and good luck, Theresa 

 Not looking to promising. My lease is 9 months over renewal, and they want to pay almost nothing to renew. We are not allowing a pipeline to pass through or have access to the land until a proper contract is agreed to. Getting tired of the games, thinking of having them surrender the expired lease.      - M

Any info on wells that have been spudded with the potential to go active? My unit is held by Shell, Sevem 474 off Round Top Rd in Charleston Township just southeast of Wellsboro. Lease is due to expire within the next 6 months.

You should always request surrender of lease when it expires they should file it with the courthouse in the county
SWEPI $1000/12.5/10yr in Sabinsville PA area

Is this the same Kevin near Plummers farm............?

There seams to be more interest in the Middlebury area, but so far fairly low numbers and royalties with deductions.  Most people I talk to are holding for better.  Does anyone know of any recent no deductions leases?

Gary, I am told that a "No Deductions" lease from Shell is an absolute deal breaker.  However, they are flexible on the $/acre, royalty percentage, and the term of the lease.  The Pugh clause they use is also negotiable.

Would love to hear if anyone else is being told otherwise.


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