Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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There are also SWN, who bought the TC Chesapeake leases and Repsol, the Spanish company that bought Talisman.  And you have Seneca Resources (NFG).  

"Pakistan drops planned Shell LNG deal, to buy from Qatar-trade
Pakistan State Oil has backed out of a nearly USD 1 billion deal to buy liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Royal Dutch Shell after receiving a lower price from Qatar. ...
The setback to Shell may stir unease from its investors already worried about the impact of the downturn in the oil market on its $48 billion acquisition of BG Group , which when finalized will turn it into the biggest LNG trader.  ..."

Pakistan is probably buying from Isis.

JKLM is the only company leasing in Potter County right now - Travis Peak isn't even taking new leases in Tioga County unless the acreage would be in one of their permitted drilling units. My understanding is that Shell has cut their area of interest to match a reduced leasing budget for 2016, but I'm not sure yet which areas they are eliminating. Drilling and leasing will be very slow for several years unless there's a supply shock of some sort or a really exceptional well gets drilled by someone. JKLM's exploration plans are the one wild card that could change things, so we just have to hope they get what they're looking for.

Jack,I watch Landex to see surrenders and paid lease's.To get an idea of what townships they want to sign now.There is surrenders in all townships but some have noticeably more.

I'm not expecting them to surrender too many leases early, but they won't renew them when the old leases expire in certain areas. I'm sure we'll get a better feel for the new focus as the year wears on. I assume they'll back off on fringe areas away from any prior drilling - Potter County seems vulnerable too by that measure. Watching Landex is certainly a good way to see what happens even if there's a time lag between their actions and when things go on the public record.
What do you think the chances are that Talisman will complete my top lease next July?
Ref: Keith Mauck's email to GMS/TC members ...

A link to the Painter 1H eFACTS page is in my 1/8/2016 discussion entry.
"Report by Brattle Economists Reveals Increasing Competition Between Renewable Power and LNG-Fueled Gas-Fired Generation in Global Energy Markets

... This increasing competition has significant ramifications for the many LNG export projects now in development across North America and for buyers of LNG that have signed long-term contracts for export capacity from new North American LNG export projects. Many of the proposed projects that are not yet under construction are already facing an uncertain future due to the collapse of global oil and LNG prices. ..."

[The Report] "LNG and Renewable Power; Risk and Opportunity in a Changing World

Our analysis suggests that even though the availability of substantial supplies of low-cost unconventional gas resources in North America would point to significantly increased market potential for LNG exported to Asia and perhaps Europe, the traditional comparison of delivered LNG prices to prevailing oil prices may miss an important dynamic, namely the fast progress of renewable energy technologies capable of providing an alternative to one or more of the major sources of demand for LNG, electricity production and in the future perhaps heating.

With all the caveats discussed above, it appears that in many potential markets for LNG exports, the relative economics of LNG and renewables may in the coming years be less favorable to LNG imports than casual enthusiasm about the potential for vastly increased LNG exports suggests. While our analysis by no means implies that there is no need or no sound economic rationale for some - and potentially significant - increases in LNG exports, our analysis does suggest that a more precise estimation of how much incremental demand for LNG imports can be justified based on economics alone requires a more detailed analysis of country-level circumstances. ..."
[PDF 1.5 mb] http://www.brattle.com/system/news/pdfs/000/000/992/original/LNG_an...

I'm curious what plans Shell had/has for their Tioga County gas.  They have contracts with (at least) two interstate pipelines, so getting gas out of the county is not an issue.  But who were/are their intendded customers?  Are there contracts that haven't been made public?

Certainly, Shell's purchase of B.G. indicates that they are betting big on global LNG.  But I doubt TC gas is destined for China.   Shell has committed to disposing of assets (and employees) as a term of the purchase.   So they will have to "show their hand".

How far does your property have to be from the well head to be put into a unit?

I think they draw up units and then decide where to put the well pad.


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