Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Thanks Tom!

Utica well is 330ft. to the down hole.


"Shell prepares to remake itself into gas giant after BG Group deal

Shell will cut its [2016] budget, which will be combined with BG Group’s, by $3 billion to $33 billion – down by about 45 percent since 2013. Only $3 billion of that total will be spent on high-cost U.S. shale production and heavy oil projects in Canada and elsewhere.

Shell will also cut $3 billion in operating costs and 2,800 jobs this year after the merger, and it’s planning to sell $30 billion over the next two years. ..."

Anyone really really believe that the current slowdown was/is due to the actions of environmentalist ... rather than due to the o/g industry's overestimation of the market for natural gas? I'd describe "environmentalists" as a nuisance to the industry, rather than as an actual "threat".

"Dutch appeals court says Shell may be held liable for oil spills in Nigeria"
Depends on the political winds too. But I agree with you the over production combined with the slow down in demand from China has done much to improve the lives of average Americans while damaging the O&G industry, a major bellwether in the recession recovery.

Isn't it odd how our government has vilified the petro chemical industry when it was driving the recovery and now that it's in the tank, I'm hearing rumors of government aid.

Josie, I took what you wrote - "The environmentalists will be a constant threat here ..." as having a basis in fact. That is, it had already happened and continues to be a "threat". My mistake.

I don't *know*, but my guess is that the primary objectors to pipelines are the property owners who will be impacted. Some for financial and/or some for environmental reasons.

NG is promoted as a relatively clean transition fuel. What would be the point of switching to it if climate change is a "fraud"?

What you asked was "And who is it that is in the forefront of stopping every major oil and NG pipeline proposed everywhere in the Country?"  My personal opinion has no bearing on FERC's pipeline decisions.   There is nothing to argue about.

To find the status of interstate gas pipeline applications, use FERC's "Major Pipeline Projects Pending (Onshore)"

Scrolling down the 2015 list, I came across the TGP Susquehanna West Project.  From the project Fact Sheet: "The project would provide 145,000 dekatherms
of additional capacity for one customer. The project, in Tioga County, includes approximately 8.2 miles of new 36-inch pipeline looping on the TGP Line 300 system. - Complete Construction – October 2017"

Map showing the location of the Susquehanna West gas pipeline expansions.


nice map,


Here is a map of TGP's proposed Northeast Energy Direct (NED) project.  Note  Station 315 (near Wellsbor) on the esisting 300 line.  

Map of the Empire Pipeline, includine Tioga County Extension.  This is a 24" pipeline, owned by National Fuel Gas.  Shell and Talisman (Repsol) are subscribers; connectors at state line in Jackson Twp.    

HEP obtaining permits for SWN Tioga County gathering system.

"Howard Energy Partners Expands Into Marcellus Shale ...
Howard Midstream Energy Partners, LLC dba Howard Energy Partners (HEP) today announced that it has executed a definitive purchase and sale agreement with Southwestern Energy Company (NYSE: SWN) to purchase the company’s northeast Pennsylvania natural gas gathering assets in Bradford and Lycoming counties ...
In addition to the existing systems, HEP plans to design, construct and operate a new natural gas gathering system for SWN in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Once fully operational, the new system is expected to add up to 380 million cubic feet per day of capacity in the area. ... (March 2015)

Water Obstruction and Encroachment permit - PA Bulletin

"E5929-051: HEP Tioga Gathering, LLC; 512 Towne Plaza, Suite 120 Route 6, Tunkhannock, PA 18657, Liberty and Morris Township, Tioga County, ACOE Baltimore District.
To construct, operate, and maintain:
 1) a temporary road crossing using timber mats impacting 705 square feet of an exceptional value palustrine emergent (EV-PEM) wetland (Nauvoo, PA Quadrangle 41°35`32"N, 77°13`51"W);
 2) A 20 inch diameter steel gas pipeline, a 16 inch diameter HDPE water pipeline, and a temporary road crossing using timber mats impacting 5,870 square feet of an exceptional value palustrine emergent (EV-PEM) wetland and 1,732 square feet of an exceptional value palustrine forested (EV-PFO) wetland (Nauvoo, PA Quadrangle 41°35`38"N, 77°13`42"W); ..."


Erosion and Sdiment permit - DEP EFacts
[Note: Some of the links in this PADEP reord return "No records matched the criteria." So, some of the information is unavailable.]


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