Are We Winning or Losing the PR War for Marcellus Shale Development

I thought it might be interesting to see how public opinion is being affected by negative media and online buzz about Marcellus Shale.  My firm used Nielsen data to look at 45,000 media comments and over a million online conversations to determine sentiment.  In short, it looks like public sentiment toward Marcellus Shale fell through 2010 and continues to decline in January 2011.   Read more at  The blog post was written for the layperson.  Skip the background information by clicking on MORE and viewing the actual Nielsen data on how public opinion of Marcellus Shale is falling,

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The fact is that the pro's in the argument are the sort of ppl who don't get involved in saying how they feel outside of person to person contact.  This is not the best way to fight the fight in a cyber world.

here is the other fact, we are drilling for oil/gas in the shale.

some talk and take polls, and some actualy drill for energy.  So let the anti's talk.  No matter what, the world will have antis.  


oh, and with all the drillers move'n here and bringing families,  they also vote here. Wait till all those votes are conted.

Great point here. 

I am sure back in the 50s when someone came up with the idea that this great nation needed an interstate highway system, there were many antis out there say that who would want a ribbon of concrete in their back yard.  Look at all the lives that will be wasted because you can drive faster.  Look at all the land that will be tied up and ruined just so we can drive coast to coast and save a few hours!

Or how about those antis that said the automobile was just a big bomb that is ready to explode on impact.  Who is their right mind would want to sit on top of a tank filled with gas?  You would have to be nuts to drive one of those things. 

Now I might be going out on a limb here but I dont think anyone today would say either of these two events were a bad thing. 

Yes it is good to have some antis out there to make us aware of the bad things that can happen.  To make sure safty measures are put in place to protect the land, enviroment and people, but bottom line, we as a nation must take care of ourselves.  If other countries want to make an investiment in our economy I think that is a good thing.  Look at our trade deficate, we pay allot of money for the oil and gas we consume from other countries.  If we can bring back that money and take in other countries money isnt that a win win situation.  So I for one am looking forward to the day that this great country becomes a great country again to the world.  We have some very intelligent people here in the USA.  We have the desire to be number one again and working together we can acheive so much. 

Just my opinion here. 

ah and to this I say


I don't want Asia getting this teck,  I don't want shale tec to go the way of the Car, the oil business, and all the other jobs that we've created and then lost to nations who take our teck and do it cheeper. 


People also forget that the oil industry was needed to save the whales, the whales we killed for light. 


Then again most don't even know we are #1 in the gas game.

Chuck, I would guess Asia already has the technology, as do others in the lands across the pond, but have not yet reached the point of major production. I want to recall that longest horizontal welll ever drilled was just completed in Russia a few weeks ago to a distance in excess of 30,000 feet. I talked with a gentleman back in the first week of December who had his son in Russia drilling and I am guessing that could have been he who completed that long drilling. There is absolutely nothing we, as a nation, can hide to keep the technology safe....Money talks and we abound with the lack of Patriotic people dedicated to preserving America, while also abounding with those who hate America, and in leadership or control of this nation. Few people see or want to see what is and has been transipiring.

I guess you miss the article About how is your his just gotten into hydro fracturing as a technology. The united states is in a business war With russia. It's not to say americans don't work in russia But russia and the united states both want a. Asia as a gas customer. Just this morning Articles were published Saying that for some reasons Hydraulic fracturing isn't working overseas as well as it working in the united States
With this country having enough sweet crude oil to sustain our own demand for 2041 years I wouldnt see where our economic conditions couldnt be fixed. This nation was built and became the world leader from our resources. Steel Mills Coal mines Oil. Energy is a must! The environtment has been protected by science and technology. Without the energy provided for these things to expand and grow. The U.S. goes to mothballs. Gasoline is at $3.36 a gallon here in S.E. Ohio. Does it have to get to $10.00 a gal. before this nation wakes up! Qudafi was & still is an idiot. What the arab countries do over there is their business. We need to yank our country back into Our hands and supply the real powers who be. (Businesses) with the opportunity to grow. Produce our own oil and get our semis&trains moving. Then supply the other countries at our price. We have been doin it backwards long enough.

Very well put.  I couldn't agree more with your statements.  Everyone complains about the high cost of energy but no one wants a well in their own back yard.  HOWEVER there is landowners out there that are saying you can put that well here on my property and now everyone seems to think the landowner the bad guy????   Most landowners I know care a great deal about their land and what goes on with it.  If us landowners can help make this country a great country again, we should be applauded for that.  Not told we don't know what we are doing and we are ruining the land.  I for one would really enjoy telling the Arabs what they could do with their oil.  Us farmers can raise food, cotton, and just about everything else this country needs and now we can supple energy to the country as well. 

I don't want to break the rules nc mike I'm promoting what we do. But our website shows in our commercials chosen are commercials this very point. As 2 land owners who won oh well everyone will beat included. 1 reason the industry doesn't tell us everything is not everyone can handle the truth. 30,000 marcellas wells. In 4 counties pumping just 1 type of gas and 88,000 people moving to the area is more than some people can understand. Regionally many don't want anything to change. Not telling the public Keeps them in the dark and disorganized until 1 day it dons on them that the area is different. Remember the frog in the boiling water?

Mr. Reed hit the nail on the head. 

Those that are for Marcellus drilling (aka the status quo) are not a vociferous bunch.  


I agree that the court of public opinion is an extremely important venue, but I'm more worried about the 80%  in the middle who dont know enough and/or don't really care, not the 10% on the extremes of the argument.  

Greg-- If this is a war, it is less a PR one than an infowar. Personally, I'd like to see more of a Win-Win approach taken by all sides, or is that too idealistic? Why do there always have to be winners and losers?

Focused information about the industry that seeks to inform and educate, not manipulate, is key to building the industry's long-term credibility with the public. Nobody likes to be told what to think. Once fully informed, they'd generally prefer to figure things out for themselves. --Tom

nice idea Tom, but I'm sorry... it's just not that way.  If you  came here for something like retirement and you see dirty men make'n 4 fold what you did...and the windows are dusty on your will call the other man greedy. 


I don't like the ideas those ppl came here with, and they didn;t like mine...I hate the wind mills here, but I didn't stop them.


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