Are We Winning or Losing the PR War for Marcellus Shale Development

I thought it might be interesting to see how public opinion is being affected by negative media and online buzz about Marcellus Shale.  My firm used Nielsen data to look at 45,000 media comments and over a million online conversations to determine sentiment.  In short, it looks like public sentiment toward Marcellus Shale fell through 2010 and continues to decline in January 2011.   Read more at  The blog post was written for the layperson.  Skip the background information by clicking on MORE and viewing the actual Nielsen data on how public opinion of Marcellus Shale is falling,

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Mike, those who don't know, don't matter.  we got it covered and if they are 100% unaware in a year there will be a new issue to take heat and we'll still be drilling. 

90%  of the masses are in the dark any way.  I mean most ppl don't even know that WE started this business. 


most of the anti's are college kids and old hippies.  Look at the anti films. Why can they never find a doctor or lawyer?  it's always a greenie with a goat in his lawn.  those ppl may get to vote, but in pro drilling states they will have 0 effect.

Those that dont know will know "enough" sooner or later.   Its whether they get the truth, or whether they get a sensationalized self-serving account. 


Every time I turn on PCN and see an anti drilling "expert", its nothing more than scare tactics wrapped up with wild assumption.  Unfortunately, those scare tactics can be brutally effective. 

Okay, maybe you're right, Chuck. Perhaps you do have to fight fire with fire, but nevertheless this so called war is one big distraction from the real story which is development of the resource. --Tom
Its win win the moment the whiners are erased. The ones who will gladly pay the $10.00 a gallon for gas at the pump knowing that the money goes to the other extremeist who want this nation destroyed with all the infidels in it. That makes the whiners happy to get their high. We have lost the war on dope. The end game of that is now appearing to us. They will come to collect and deny that we lost a nation. But the fact is. They will stay in their Govt subsidised Highs free of charge as long as there are some of us left to pay their tolls. The industrial age is coming to a rapid halt. The techno age is not gonna sustain everyone. Using the internet for global studies would be a winner. Being able to voice opinion thruout the world would be a winner when all the worlds markets and sciences realize that energy sources have to be used to provide just basics. Technology will catch up. Slow? Maybe, But still the global demand for education is racing right past us now. On the www.
Well said, Tom.
I think most of the bad sentiment comes from bad things that the informed public reads in the newspaper or online about a small spill when a well is taped or like in a certain small town that Mcdonalds cannot serve fountain drinks because the public water supply does not meet minimum water standards by the city.  So I think that most people see it as an automatic bad thing until we prove in otherwise. So with the drilling done in Washington County, PA is there any positive wells drilled with no serious damage to the environment that we can document and put pictures on the internet that we can show what a finished gas/oil well would look like in their community.  Anyway $100.00 a barrell oil is here to stay so we better find a better, cleaner alternative. JY 
1 of the problems I see is everyone is hung up on water. Everytime a good oil story comes along it's on the fifth page of the worst paper in town. The other problem is that the educated public think they know everything the real stories if the real stories are not told how would they know.
And they dont mind paying $36.00 a gallon for water from a source saying one thing but actually means another. Cleve Waterworks is now pure spring water? from the Cuyahoga river? It was burning not too many years ago! That. and the plastic to make the bottles for the high octane water has to have fuel to build the plastic. fuel to get the people to& from work. fuel to ship it. & fuel to get it to the lanfills. 1 pallett of bottled water burns a lot of fuel. Why hope the middle east rock throwers dont have a religious war in their minds when we can produce our own fuel and sell them wheelbarrels to carry their rocks to throw at each other. Theyve been doin it for 2011 years. We have enough crude to get our plastic water bottles for 2041 years. Wheres the math?

Just returned from the DRBC hearings and a very informative meeting with a group of NY landowners. After seeing the anti-drilling lobby's display of puppets commenting on the DRBC draft regs and spending 3 hours with a landowners group where those assembled participated in an insightful and educational presentation by an environmental engineer (who happens to be one of those affected by Cabot's actions in Dimock) and the owner of a environmental resource management firm, discussing the importance of home water well construction and regular well testing, I have come to realize exactly why the founding fathers initially restricted the right to vote in this great republic to LANDOWNERS. Today it became quite apparent to me that most all of those who hold private ownership of the lands in this country have greater critical thinking skills in their little finger than 200 anti-gassers who applaud a couple of puppets speaking at a public hearing on an issue of such importance to our country as it's energy security.

The difference between the groups could not have been more apparent at the DRBC hearings in Liberty. Those in favor of drilling and opposed to the DRBC regs that would pretty much ban drilling through the 500' setback from 'bodies of water' (anything that at any time MIGHT hold some water) were 45+ years old landowners. Those opposed to drilling and calling for even stronger regs and long term 'cumulative impact studies' were under 30 and still thought Mr Rodgers Neighborhood is educational- see their puppet show at:Alan Rubins Anti-gas puppets
I'm beginning to really fear for the future of our country.
The gas industry is fighting with one arm behind its back.
Secondly, the main reason those people own land is because they don't spend all day on twitter. This is why obama won the election. This is why An entire generation Protest the vietnam war. Meanwhile the working back of this country, the veterans the tax payers, are busy doing their jobs. This is also what lobbyists are 4. I do not have time to vocalize. every night at meetings the common man relies on someone else to defend him.

As long us the USMC exist. There will be hope behind the wall they set on.

We must eventually "ALL" take a stand here in America before the last light switch is turned off. As we have seen our industry and economy go across the big pond, most will not wake up until it is too late. As we watch what is transpiring in the Mideast and now starting here in the U.S., a total change in our way of life and views may be about to over take this great nation. As for the puppet shows against gas, one must only chase the end of the tail backwards to find the donkey and the dollars funding the donkey. The answers to our problems of producing our resources and providing prosperity may soon be answered in the near future after something bad  happens and it becomes a national emergency. As the price per barrel is sky rocketing and the world is erupting, as planned by by our oppressors and sadistic individiuals, some very difficult decisions will be coming to the table, at which time, the anti gas puppets, you noted,may get silenced.


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