I was just curious what the worst case and best case scenario would be if Clinton wins the white house? What a night mare that would be.... Please everybody get out and vote and campaign hard for whoever the conservative candidate might be. Any body but that old woman Clinton! She's a tired old bitty.... If she gets in there it will be the end of our country as we know it....

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Excellent point.  Why not have single stall bathrooms. Lock the door. When you're done, open the door and the next person (no matter the gender) can enter. 

Can you post any actual cases, where someone was charge/prosecuted, of this type of scenario?

If someone was going to do "bad deeds", the law wouldn't stop someone from entering the bathroom.

Same old lame, no basis, comments. I haven't even heard half of your diatribe being spewed on Fox news...so you must be really reaching.  LOL...end of the country as we know it. Hilarious...

Reading both Barry D and Lance and can only conclude / agree that the Republicans seem to represent the Lesser of Two Evils these days (choosing between the Republicans and the Democrats).

It's been that way ever since I began voting - always finding plenty of evil on both / ALL sides; and then having to vote for my perceived Least of ALL Evils.

It's damn disgusting to see my country being led in this manner and it seems to me to ALWAYS have been.

Seems to me to be likened to picking a way to be executed.

For me, it's not at all a pleasant choice and / or ever has been.

Plenty of downsides no matter which way you choose to turn.

Disgusted is the nicest way to describe what I take away and feel after reading the whole damn book on POLITICS these days.


If Trump get in, all of the other world's leaders will be insulted by his statements whether he really believes them or not. He will not find anyone who will trust him. Trump's personal insults will see to that!

Certainly one evil identified; but, he also talks / states the cases of finding it necessary for all of us to confront the myriad of foreign evils rearing their heads these days.

Would he follow through if he ends up in the Whitehouse or would he not ? ?

That's the biggest question in my mind.

He states he's not a politician but in truth he is - considering he's running for POTUS.

In my mind you can't run for POTUS and simultaneously say you're not a politician (based on the literal meaning of the word).

Just MHOs


Brevity is so valuable in making a point.

Thank you.

End of discussion.

Oh for the love of Pete. Will people never stop believing the world is going to end tomorrow, so give me your money prophets?

Have you suffered from myopia a long time?


Nothing right away.  But our long term prospects will be significantly eroded.  Plans we might have made to "be there" with a legacy for our kids, grand kids, and beyond, will be less likely to come to fruition.

Finally, those of use currently HBP will be facing far more unknowns.  This is because all those thousands of, as yet undrilled, future wells we've been counting on will need to be fracked before they can produce.  Many of those wells may never materialize.

Geez - one would think the House & Senate would step-in on behalf of the people and our Constitution; and clip the Exec's. wings (and really good too) !

Needs to happen should you ask me !



When the Democrats ran the Senate under this (criminal) President, they defended all of his unconstitutional actions and blocked all attempts by Republicans to reign him in.

Now that the Republicans control the House and Senate they have failed their obligation to stop the unconstitutional actions of this President and haven't reversed any of his unconstitutional actions as they promised.

Nothing will change if HilLIARy is elected.

The only change will come when a Republican is elected.


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