Just got a Gulfport check - our deductions (with the no deductions but market enhancement clause lease) has now risen to 35%.  Production was also cut in half.  This is so frustrating that there is so little information out there for the property owner to educate themselves and/or manage this process.  If my lease says no deductions directly or indirectly for gathering -  than I should not be charged for gathering as a market enhancement.  Why does this charge fluctuate every month - always going up but never down?  We as landowners are a part of this business so why are we not entitled to the proper information to manage our business?  If as a business owner I am paying for market enhancement costs than as a business owner I should be entitled to a breakdown of that information each month as well.  If I rent you apartment and the lease says you have to pay half of the electric bill over $100 - you get to see the elctric bill to verify you are paying your proper part.  And your part is always the same percentage just a different cost based on the size of the bill!    Sooooo frustrating :-(


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Well, be thankful, at least your getting a check. Ever since the letter in December, there have been no checks from Gulfport going on 6 months, they claim that they are collecting past deduction and still have not received it all back yet. You ask what the amount was they needed to receive they have no clue just that you owe and it is declining every month. My contract says no deductions also. It is funny that since the well is partnered with another company, the other company pays, but Gulfport cannot.

What well are you in Mark?  Is it a Rice/Gulfport also?  

Stronz Wayne township Belmont.Rice and Gulfport both were paying about the same amount till the letter in December Gulfport then quit.

Question here. Has anyone contacted the News Media about this? It would seem that a few of you could take your leases, copies of your royalty checks to say WSYX 6 on your side over in Columbus, What would put icing on the cake is if anyof you have contacted the Ohio Attorney General or the governors office were you have documented evidence as to the fact Ohio does not care if landowners are being systematically stolen from and the State of Ohio has no firm way of accounting for hydrocarbon products being removed from Ohio! 

  Kind of asking a bank robber as to the amount he stole from the bank. Face it the Media awaits the news it does not actively seek out news. If you notice many so called stories or articles are nothing more than press releases that have been billed as news not investigative news. 


 Yes, some of us have already contacted the office of the Ohio Attorney General.

 Their reply was, "Sorry but we do not get involved with the interpretation of the language in individual O&G Leases".


     In August 2014 I was told by the ag's office that the laws of Ohio don't apply to Oil & Gas companies. This was an attempt to keep me from filing a complaint, and as I thought the laws of Ohio do apply to O&G companies.

The issue here is if the ag or gov look into this matter they will find that Chesapeake has violated the Criminal Statute A Pattern Of Corruption, which is the RICO Act. This will lead to Chesapeake being required to leave Ohio.

Due to this every theft committed against landowners by O&G companies and Cardinal Pipeline stealing Right Of Ways by misleading landowners must be called a Civil Matter to keep things light with no RICO Criminal Charges. This way the money keeps flowing to the right people of Ohio, and these aren't Landowners I'm talking about.

I believe the Billions lost to the Citizens of Ohio will eventually become an issue. Since when does a governor or ag not care about taking in revenue that is owed to the state. Normally never, unless there is something $$$$ clouding their judgement.

Wow so just who is the enforcer of said leases? Honest Chesapeake? It's a wonder any landowner gets paid.

Some landowners don't get paid and there is no one to correct this issue.

And people were beginning to not believe Ron Hale. Hmmmm.


      I always tell the truth, plus I have the evidence sent to me by Chesapeake Energy's Revenue Department. That makes me the messenger.

Those who don't believe producers are stealing from landowners will live the same nightmare we are living when they get their first royalty check.



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