Neo - Fascism ? ?  Or Degrees of Socialism / Communism ? ?

Pick your poison.

Right here in the Land of the Free / Home of the Brave ? ?

Whaaaaaaaat ? ?

Still can't find a candidate's bus to hop on myself.


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I agree.

BTW, I call myself a 'Practical Independent' always trying to be only as Conservative as is practical while simultaneously trying to be only as liberal as is practical.

Extremes don't work for me and mine (and I don't think work for anybody but a very few).

JO, That could work if both sides are serious and operate with facts and laws and ignore emotions, but not when one side is not being fair, operating from emotions and ignoring the law like we have now.


There are more than two sides here.

All political interests would have to be represented in such an arrangement, which would be logistically impossible.

The answer is in the 5th amendment, Convention of States. Any changes folks would like to see, not just this issue, could be addressed there. For example - term limits, balanced budget, etc.

In fact, there is a movement to have a Convention of States. Perhaps you and Joseph will become supporters

I like it Barry D.

I agree we need to go to term limits, balanced budgets. Also shrink the Federal Government to what it was formed to do in the first place.


The answer lies in the Constitution, in the 5th amendment; Convention of States.

Let's get there, spread the word.

As you said, get the federal government back to it's original purpose.

Reads to be a good bus to be on.

Thanks all.


I find myself asking why we have already had a father/son in the White House, now we are considering a wife/husband situation.  How many years in those two familys will that equate to?  G. Bush Sr. - 4 years, G. Bush Jr. - 8 years, so there's 12 years of my life heavily influenced by just two people in a single family.  Bill held the Oval Office for 8 years, and Hitlery is surely to be reelected if she gets potentially 28 years of my life RULED by no less than "American Nobility".  Did we not fight the British off a couple times so we would not be ruled by Monarchy?

Obama was a step away, but we all see how well he is working out.  So, time to try something different again.  Trump is getting my vote for nothing other than the fact that he is an "outsider" in DC.  Well, that...and I really, really, really, really do not want another Clinton in office...especially one who thinks "guns are bad m'kay," and who has been/is currently involved in so much scandal.  The trail of bodies behind the Clintons should be enough to dissuade any voters...yet they line up for her?  Why???  Yuuuuge donations to the clinton foundation from the Middle East...'nuff said.

Keep sayin' it Appalacian.

But...........I think Trump has to change his tune to get enough votes to get elected. alternative and more unoffensive candidate needs to somehow materialize.

Just my guesses.

Good luck to all of us.

Well folks ... here is the problem...

Right in front of your eyes....

The Constitution... as you think of it... IS NOT IN EFFECT.... PERIOD...

Hasn't been since the ILLEGAL UN TREATY was signed by Democrats... in 1947

It has ILLEGALLY superceded the Constitution as you "think" of the Constitution...


Try this....

What has Congress passed in the past 40 years.. and especially the past 8 years..

What has Congress.. NOT DONE......

Iran "agreement"    ??  why 'agreement"  ... cause CONGRESS cannot pass

"Treatys"  anymore.... duihhhhhhh

All this dreaming everyone does about the Constitution is just that... dreaming..

It is NOT in effect right now...

THAT... is why the "system" wants Trump OUT.....

He will ... with Patriotic members of the Senate... Abolish the illegal UN TREATY...

When that is done... THEN... the Consstitution will be in effect.. .duhhhhhhh

Brain washing has been going on for years......slowly.. .one step at a time....

Everything you were TAUGHT in the 50's  is void now...

Normal to kill humans in the womb...

Homosexuals..... Normal now.....

President ?  can fire a Missile from a room in California and kill a US CITIZEN

in Yeman.. and his son... all illegal... under the Constitution....

So where are they operating from  .?   UN TREATY..

That is why Hillary KNOWS she will not be indicted.....FBI   corrupt...

IRS... corrupt.....

CIA.... police force for the UN...

Simple enough....

All this is available on Wikipedia.....facts...

The Constitution does not give the Feds.. control over the AIR WATER... and THOUGHT


The Feds have only 2 functions...

Regulate Interstate trade...

Form a standing Army...

THATS IT.... 2 functions...

So where is all this "power" ?  coming from.. ??

simple...... UN has allowed the Communists to control the USA...

If Trump LIVES to make it to the WH......things will change.. .BUT

it wont be pretty...

He has already said.. He will wipe out the Mexican and Black gangs in the Cities...

That means Martial  Law City by City... till cleaned up...and handed back to the

local Sheriff   ....

By the way.. your local Sheriff is your ONLY defense to the Feds....

Gonna be a looooooooooooongg   wild and interesting Summer.....

Trump has TOO MUCH POWER now....

He can TWITTER... for example.... and ONE MILLION PLUS people would

show up.. wherever he asked them too......that's... Physical power... he has NOW....

This has NOT gone un noticed by the Feds.....

People Power is just around the corner now... ha... or just one TWITTER click away..!!

of course.. .this is JMHO....   ???     Read it and weep.... Joseph-Ohio....

Isnt this fun.... :)

What do you think will happen if he's not elected Mike ?

To me a distinct possibility IF he turns enough of the Republican base away.

Or, do you think he'll turn away from / betray  his philosophies to gain the favor of the 'System' / 'Establishment' ?

I do not know speaking for myself only.

What do you say friend / neighbor.

Good luck to all of us - we need it !


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