Neo - Fascism ? ?  Or Degrees of Socialism / Communism ? ?

Pick your poison.

Right here in the Land of the Free / Home of the Brave ? ?

Whaaaaaaaat ? ?

Still can't find a candidate's bus to hop on myself.


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Many 'Establishment' type Republicans say he's got to 'Pivot' to win.

Where will his pivoting put him relative to the policies you say he stands for ?

"What do you think will happen if he's not elected Mike ?"

Simple..... guns and bloodshed.... sorry

We are already in the first stages of total rebellion....

Look at all the scum  TRASHING POLICE CARS..while the cops just

stand around watching....

Cops got TARGETS on their backs... Now... .. not tomorrow... today...!!

The Democrats already know... that Bernie is the choice.. not the Hag

They want a full blown Communist in the WH.. ..... NOT A FEMALE...

its all brainwashing........

For those that doent believe in Brainwashing.. .guess what......

Obama had ZERO experience in anything.... not affiliated with Communism

It didn't matter when he ran.... either Hillary or Obama....

Obama a better choice...then... cause you cant call out a Negro.....

But racism is not the problem.... never has been...

Communism is........

I see know one has responded to my request to GOOGLE...

Mikhail Gorbechev's    "Green Cross"

Unless the kill him.... Trump will win in Nov........

Then the real "action"  will start........

In the meantime... don't worry about whats going on....

Its all just plain "brainwashing" by the Govt thru the Media.....

Trump is soooooooooooo smart... he kicked all their butts before they

realized whats going on....

Like it or not.. Trump is the last hope before total rebellion...

You know.... like in 1863-65.......

Trump is now "educating" everyone about what the "PATRIOT MOVEMENT"

Has been telling the public for the last 25 years......

Just look at how he has FORMED his OWN..... RNC.... hahaha...

Weeez in exciting times.....

$100 bbl OIL coming soon again...   :)

OK, I'm done now... got tooo many people nervous with my

statements...  :)

Thinkin' there's plenty enough within your statements, to get plenty enough folks, plenty enough nervous.

PEOPLE should be nervous about Obama and Hillary, and if they aren't, they are just plain stupid !!!

I agree, go back to the Constitution. Why we ever left it for the UN Treaty is beyond me We just squandered what part of our families died to get away from......lack of FREEDOM. How short sided we can be.
Your first paragraph would not be bad if they were leading our country in the right direction, but our leaders are to interested in filling their own pockets. Until that changes we are doomed. Only we can change it by the way we vote.

My first paragraph?  I disagree.  We should never have "stagnated" ideas in the White House.  I really do have a problem with the "political elite" being the only ones with a shot at the Presidency.  To me, the two term limit is to ensure that we don't get stuck in a rut so to speak on policy.  We have been in a rut for the majority of my life and the people chosen to drive the truck through the rut have changed very little IMO.  Any The Who fans?  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?  HiLIARy would fit this lyric well coming into office after Obama....and we all want more of that, right?

I guess Bernie could be considered an outsider, but I'm not one for communism so no go there.  

Joseph:  I agree that he can be abrasive...but part of me feels that is what is needed at this time.  People need to hear things they don't like sometimes.  I honestly feel he is going to win against Clinton.  I am less confident that he would defeat Bernie.  Hopefully, Gary Johnson (whom I would likely vote for if he had even the slightest chance in he11 of winning) doesn't take too many R votes from Trump.

I voted for Ron Paul in the last two elections.  "He's crazy, too radical."  Ron Paul was exactly what we needed, but nobody wanted him?  I suppose some ideas seem "crazy" once the established current government system is accepted as the Norm.  I'm sick of the Norm.  I think a lot of people feel that way now and are getting on the Trump Train.


Jewish Bernie seems the most Christian of them all!

the dems are going to hold their convention in philly and nominate a person who wants to kill the shell cracker,6000 UNION jobs and 600 permanent jobs. get rid of the democrats in november. prosecute them in february.


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