I recently watched the movie "Hillary's America" I recommend every American see that. It explains the history of the democratic party and the rise of the Clintons. It talks about their views on the oil and gas industry and the war on coal and fossil fuels. I came away from that movie enlightened and disturbed. If she becomes our next POTUS we are in for trouble on a biblical scale. Our country will cease to exist as we know it. Has any one else on site seen this? 

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As an after thought, Donald came into the world just like all of the rest of us.....Crying!

But in his case the crying has continued his entire life. The little baby he object to crying during his speaking was taking the attention away from him and his own need for complete attention.  In other words He cannot stand any kind of competition from any direction, even a tiny baby! 

Obviously you didn't really watch the actual video that you are so ignorantly commenting on. Which renders any further comments you make worthless.

How about this one william:

Location- Pa steel mill

Who- Hillary and two bus loads of supporters

Result- All attendees madly in love with her.

Problem:  All attendees were bused in, not one worker was allowed in as they were given the day off!!!!  Reported by actual workers at the mill.

It does make for good fake news though.

During election time much of GMS becomes a rag for fanitical extreme political views. Like High School bullies urguing over their team as if that was the most important aspect of education. Can't imagine why our country is coming in last in most everything including education.
We can't get along with each other and many don't even know who their neighbors are and we wonder why we can't get along with other cultures, religions and countries.
Bullying and name calling is not the opposite of political correctness. It is the opposite of respect and humanity.
The oceans are not rising due to climate change. They are rising because Lady Liberty has been crying in despair for many years now. The Golden Door is all but closed.

Lady Liberty has been crying because a large number of "immigrants" have no longer been passing through her, but are entering our beautiful country illegally.

She knows where this is all leading to.

Your exactly correct. The thing is though we have shut the door for many immigrants that are educated here and want to stay and open business that would employ 100's of thousands of Americans. Mexicans have no route to citizenship.
We need to block illegal imagination but also need to fix legal imagination or the illegals will always keep finding ways in.
We also need jobs for current citizens (that will work) to help prevent the hatred and prejudice toward immigrants. Lack of opportunity has always fostered hatred for the newest, poorest immigrants. Not to mention crime, burdensome social programs and other problems.
All aside America is Great! And still the land of opportunity but we must do better.

Dan, easy for Trump to do who is free of the ESTABLISHMENT'S influence on our government. Read on. Make America great @ 3% per year! Trump's new norm for economic growth will be 3%+, every year. Despite coming off of the economic lows of 2008, the US economy only grew an average of $38.4 billion per month during Obama's tenure. Stop the regulatory production mill at a savings of about $2 trillion per year. Stopping the regulatory production mill alone would triple US GDP growth to $170 billion per month! Lower the penalties for repatriation of overseas capital at a savings of about $2.5 trillion. Finally, over the past 5 years, the US has averaged an average annual trade deficit with China of $328.2 billion which is almost entirely due to the arbitrage of both labor and regulatory costs. All trade agreements that have persistent trade imbalances exceeding 10% must be renegotiated. US economic growth of 3%+ annual GDP will be the Trump norm...

we need more legal immigration imagination!

Dan your right, political incorrectness seems to be a euphemism for bulling and name calling, I guess it's great when your side does it, it feels good, it's not so great when the other side does it though. When that happens people become a foreigner in their own country, unable to talk to or relate to their fellow citizens, and demand that everyone become "like them" so they become less scared and fearful.

Seems like a few posters here cannot get it thru their head that BULLYING and NAME CALLING IS SHOWING LACK OF RESPECT AND HUMANITY! The people who do this name calling are only compounding the problems our country is facing!

VERY WELL SAID J! I applaud you!!!

That is called political correctness, it's the southpaw's way of silencing those with whom they disagree, a form of left wing fascism...

Hillary is against domestic oil & gas production for 1 reason, to reward those OPEC nations that have given tens of millions to the Clinton Foundation. She has never created a single job her entire life, but merely occupied a publicly owned cubicle for which she has zero accomplishments. Here is how easy Trump can get America working again. Make America great @ 3% per year! Trump's new norm for economic growth will be 3%+, every year. Despite coming off of the economic lows of 2008, the US economy only grew an average of $38.4 billion per month during Obama's tenure. Stop the regulatory production mill at a savings of about $2 trillion per year. Stopping the regulatory production mill alone would triple US GDP growth to $170 billion per month! Lower the penalties for repatriation of overseas capital at a savings of about $2.5 trillion. Finally, over the past 5 years, the US has averaged an average annual trade deficit with China of $328.2 billion which is almost entirely due to the arbitrage of both labor and regulatory costs. All trade agreements that have persistent trade imbalances exceeding 10% must be renegotiated. US economic growth of 3%+ annual GDP will be the Trump norm...Make no mistake this election is about whether or not institutional corruption is going to continue in DC, and that is why ALL of those having a vested interest in this corruption is opposing Trump...


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