I recently watched the movie "Hillary's America" I recommend every American see that. It explains the history of the democratic party and the rise of the Clintons. It talks about their views on the oil and gas industry and the war on coal and fossil fuels. I came away from that movie enlightened and disturbed. If she becomes our next POTUS we are in for trouble on a biblical scale. Our country will cease to exist as we know it. Has any one else on site seen this? 

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Frank Walker,

Only problem is when the head was cut off of that particular snake it grew another head and it's offspring have decided to engage civilization in war.

This will go on forever unless they all are destroyed.

How can it work out any differently ?

Only other solution would be to isolate them completely.

How does (would / could) civilization pull that off ? ?

Last time I checked neither Ronald Reagan nor Bill Clinton or either of the Bushes was on the ballot this fall. Hillary Clinton is and she is anti hydraulic fracturing.

As for me that's all I need to know. Any restrictions/bans she intendeds to implement as President will hurt the shale revolution. She is anti domestic oil and gas which means she is anti American.

She should not be elected President of this great country.

We agree.

Well said Barry D..!!!

Anybody who makes a movie about a candidate in this political season has an ax to grind and that ax is to support their own candidate not the candidate the movie is about.  Just to set the record straight Obama  and Clinton, if she follows him, want this country to switch over to renewable energy as quickly as possible.  Natural gas replacing coal and oil seemed like a viable alternative until we found that dumping these gases into the atmosphere is worse than what comes from coal.  If we keep the dumping up we are going to irreversible damage to our planet.  Obama and Clinton do not have to do anything that will result in the final demise of coal.  The miners brothers in the oil field will see to that.  Why would anybody want to build a coal fired power plant with all of its infrastructure to handle coal, ash, and smoke when a gas fired plant has only the gases to treat.  Gas plants are being built but no coal plants and that will put coal out of business.  The miners need to start looking for another line of work just like the steelworkers,automakers, and farmers did as steel was shipped into the country and technology eliminated many jobs.  Gas will eventually go the same way as coal as renewable energy comes on line.  Instead of predicting doom and gloom on the "biblical scale" we need to explore renewable energy in depth before things go so far that there is no return to the environment as we now know it.  If you want to leave something for your kids leave them the planet. 

Gas can be utilized without 'dumping' anything into the atmosphere.

So can coal.

So can iron and steel be manufactured.

All of theses things build a base economy which we need to do.

Also, we need them all to be a self sufficient independent sovereign nation.

Problem is it takes commitment (including financial commitment).

All of which need to happen.

All IMHO (which I hope everyone shares).

You are wrong Robert. You are obviously a misinformed liberal on the side of the Dems. Did you look at the movie? Renewable energy is a joke. If you think wind and solar can handle the energy needs of this country and the world you are mistaken. We would all be thrust into the stone age if we relied on that. We need "power" to  run this world the way we know it and renewables are not nearly enough. Not to mention the unsightliness of windmills and solar panels. Nuke power is too dangerous and vulnerable to terrorists attacks. ... Hydropower works good where there are big rivers but we need coal, oil and gas, not only for energy but for jobs.... If the planet is dying it sure doesn't look like it from my house... 

Not sure what you're smoking, but I suggest you take a breather.  Fossil fuels will provide our energy for the next 3 generations, with marginal increases in your renewable.  It is far more likely we will figure out nuclear fusion long before renewable energy even begins to make a real contribution to our energy portfolio.  The question is at what cost to consumers will our energy be?  At this point the renewable energy sector is just a parasite living off of fossil fuels due entirely to the institutional corruption in DC...


I always enjoy your responses. I enjoy reading how you will distort and mis-state facts.

First the use of fossil fuels, coal, oil natural gas, in the U.S. is not detrimental to the environment, at least not to the point of affecting the climate. Anthropogenic global warming  is a myth promoted by the enviro, radical left to promote renewables.

Second, natural gas produces less emissions than coal not more. This is another myth promoted by the enviro, radical left.

Third, the "demise" of coal is not the result of the increased use of natural gas. Instead it is the result of the "War On Coal" being waqed by this administration through the radical and unnecessary regulations of an out of control EPA. All supported by Ms. Clinton.

It is the "War On Coal" that is killing coal jobs and Ms. Clinton supports this and has promised to double down on this policy as President.

EPA regs also had a hand in the loss of steelworker and auto worker jobs.Sure the government made promises of new jobs, but how well did the government promise of re-training and new jobs turn out?

Finally, gas will not be replaced by renewables for many decades if ever. These technologies are not ready for prime time.

Sorry Barry - When 196 countries sign the Paris Accord to cut emissions (to prevent temperatures rising to the point where global warming cannot be reversed) I really don't think that you have the expertise to predict otherwise.  In addition scientists around the world are in accord with the fact that the world is in trouble because of global warming.  Unless you have a PHD  in some science related to global warming you can only give an opinion not backed up by scientific fact.  196 countries and the world's scientists would not go through this exercise just to take our fossil fuels away from us. Put it this way Barry, if you have a toothache do you go to a dentist or to some guy you know down the street who says he knows what is wrong but has had no training or proof to back it up? Yep Barry, gas is worse than coal for the atmosphere.  Gas leakage pollutes faster than coal emissions and that is a scientific fact.  EPA regulations are to protect our health and the health of the planet but when it comes to jobs some want to throw the regulations out for the short term buck that will leave posterity (your kids) with a miserable environment and world to live in.  EPA regulations did not put the local steel mills out of business because the local steel mills did what they wanted with no environmental controls. This included dumping in the river as well as emissions to the atmosphere.  Some businesses are still dumping but the source cannot be identified.  I am glad you enjoy my posts.  Given enough time you might start doing your own research and change your position based on the findings of the scientific community.        

I've read reports (by educated experts) that natural gas burns cleaner than coal contributing only 30% of coal's / diesel's / gasoline's pollution / emissions to the atmosphere.

That's also the reason that coal fired power plants are converting to natural gas all over the country.

Reading your post, which is basically contrary to the many expert reports that I've read tells me that somebody is wrong / leading (mis-leading) us all in the wrong direction.

Personally, I think it's you Robert J. Smith 

Only IMHO as it always is (for info. I'm definitely not a PHD just an individual citizen member of GMS).



I didn't say that the after affects of burning gas contributed more, I said that the gas itself released into the atmosphere is worse than coal.  And we do have leaks.  Check again.


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