I recently watched the movie "Hillary's America" I recommend every American see that. It explains the history of the democratic party and the rise of the Clintons. It talks about their views on the oil and gas industry and the war on coal and fossil fuels. I came away from that movie enlightened and disturbed. If she becomes our next POTUS we are in for trouble on a biblical scale. Our country will cease to exist as we know it. Has any one else on site seen this? 

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RC, I'd be happy to supply U with more personal edification if U like. Make America great @ 3% per year! Trump's new norm for economic growth will be 3%+, every year. Despite coming off of the economic lows of 2008, the US economy only grew an average of $38.4 billion per month during Obama's tenure. Stop the regulatory production mill at a savings of about $2 trillion per year. Stopping the regulatory production mill alone would triple US GDP growth to $170 billion per month! Lower the penalties for repatriation of overseas capital at a savings of about $2.5 trillion. Finally, over the past 5 years, the US has averaged an average annual trade deficit with China of $328.2 billion which is almost entirely due to the arbitrage of both labor and regulatory costs. All trade agreements that have persistent trade imbalances exceeding 10% must be renegotiated. US economic growth of 3%+ annual GDP will be the Trump norm...

This could be "game over" for the Hildabeast.  At the very least it's gonna be a major problem for her.

I'm an admitted Trump partisan.  But I confess to you I was troubled by this at a different level . . at a gut level.  And perhaps most surprising of all about this is the source.  The AP is strongly anti-Trump.  So when they put out news like this it's pretty serious, likely even more serious than they are letting on:

Hillary got more problems than we knew

Finally, this nails her once more in the realm of ethics.  Even before, many Democrats timidly conceded existence of Hillary's ethics problems.  They just didn't care.  Most of them still will not care; Hillary could commit murder in broad daylight before many witnesses and they would not care.  But not all liberals are completely immoral.  And Trump does not have to peel off that many to win.  


The fact that most people do not understand is that, this constant release of info about her e-mails is intentional.

This allows the Clinton controlled media to spin a little bit at a time. Which is intended to lull the people into believing that it's all ok.

People have to begin to look at this in total. Hillary is a crook, liar and unindicted felon. The more serious issue is that the Clinton controlled media allow this.

Just look at the post by Randall (with twoo ll's) above. There is a serious lack of critical thinking by the people of this country. She should be on her way to jial, not a possible resident of the White House.

Randall( with two ll''s) is using critical thinking. If Hillary (who I don't like much) is a crook. What is that other loud mouthed fool. He's stiffed many small businessmen in his many years of "business" . Most of his campaign spending is paying himself rent and salaries for campaigning. Bankruptcies in at least 4 occasions, making himself richer before stiffing even more people. And where are those tax returns? Here are a few things to think critically about. Oh and don't forget Trump "University."  What a joke that most members on here a cheerleading for this phoney.Wake up a smell the coffee.

Lesser of 2 evils.....you have to be an idiot to put estrogen and menopause in the oval office....she's a witch and a bitch....grow a pair randy....don't be taking your orders from some psycho

I started out realizing Hillary is severely ethically challenged.  But this latest shock revelation has even me shaking my head in disbelief.  What President Richard Nixon did, for example, is so much less concerning than what Hillary did as our Secretary of State.  Nixon was impeached, was found guilty, and was forced from office.  Meanwhile, Hillary despite all this has the effrontery to believe she qualifies to be a candidate for President.

Hillary's latest ethical unraveling

I'm confident Trump is no choir boy.  But whatever ethical lapses he has suffered did not come in the course of any duty or service to the USA.  Hillary compromised the high office she held.  Why on earth would be elect her to an even higher office?  God help the USA if we do.  

The masses are asses.....we never had a black president so let's give him a shot....how did THAT work out?....do we really need to experiment with our first woman president? ....thanks but I'll pass

There are literally thousands of American women, Democrat women with unquestioned socialist leanings every bit as sincere as Hillary's, who qualify ethically to be POTUS.  Just because you're a socialist does not mean you're a crook; stupid, of course, but with a reasonable level of ethics.  The Democrat Indian squaw, for example, is a nut job.  But she is a reasonably honest nut job.  It is frightening that so dishonest a person as Hillary might become POTUS.  The woman knows no ethical boundaries.    

She belongs behind bars...the people should demand it and let it stand as a warning to the rest of the crooks.....where's ron Hale when you could really use him?....c'mon ron issues like this are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY MORE important than your half acre....step up and start a crusade against THIS insanity and dishonesty

Save a spot for Trump in the cell beside Hillary. He deserves it more than anybody.

There are crimes . . . and then there are "high crimes".  Hillary's transgressions fall readily into that latter category.  Trump's crimes, if any, cannot by definition reach the level of "high crimes" because Trump has never occupied any governmental position of high trust.

Until yesterday's revelation by the AP, for certain no friend of Trump, I honestly did not see clearly the smoking gun.  At this point I find myself as disgusted as are millions of other Americans, regardless party or partisan preference.  What Hillary did was patently egregious.  It is a transgression worse than her entire e-mail scandal.  Hillary cannot discriminate between right and wrong.  She is truly dangerous to this country.

Seems to me Trump is the only chance we have to change course. So called New Age Democrats appear to me to be Socialists or Communists and Globalists. We need leaders that think of our population and our rights (including our rights of private ownership) 1st. Only problem with Republicans is that they seem to put the corporate interests 1st and we the people somewhere after. Still, the Republicans seem to be the only practical ticket to put the Washington Insiders out of business. As seems to be always the only choice we have is between the lesser of evils - which isn't much of a choice at all if you ask me. As of now, we're with Trump JMHOs


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