With the resignation today of PA AG Kathleen Kane, Bruce Castor will be stepping in as acting AG.  He will remain in office until a new AG is appointed by Governor Wolf and approved by the PA Senate . . OR . . until the newly elected AG takes office this coming January.

My take:

Castor, like Kane, is a Democrat.  Should a Republican be elected in November, Castor will remain at his post until January.  Should a Democrat be elected in November, the PA AG will be a Democrat now and far beyond.

Why I believe this matters for PA landowners:

It all revolves around the ongoing Chesapeake lawsuit begun by Kane.  In my opinion, this lawsuit is more likely vigorously to be pursued by a Democrat AG.  

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 Sorry to burst your bubble but Castor is a former Republican district attorney from Montgomery County.

Hi LewPa

I very much appreciate your pointing that out.  I was in error, and it is a help to me that you put me right on this.  Thanks

I did not give Kane enough credit.  Castor was her hand-picked deputy, so I wrongly assumed him to be a Democrat.  There obviously was a wrinkle in the politics there that got by me.  If you know why she chose a Republican I would welcome your input.  Was she perhaps attempting to curry favor with the Republican PA Senate at what was for her a difficult time?  I dunno.

Without in any manner intending to disrespect the input of LewPa, I continue to have hope that Castor will pursue the Chesapeake matter vigorously.  He is from MontCo and was tight with Kane.  Based on that I'm assuming (I hope not again in error) that Castor will be more in tune with the Kane agenda, regarding Chesapeake, than might be some other Republican AG who is closer to the drilling industry and their big money donations.

Since I'm more interested in getting this right than in being right, if you believe Castor will let the Chesapeake matter slide please post and tell me why.  I view that lawsuit as being very important for every PA landowner, not just those leased with Chesapeake.  I don't want for my gas company to think they can pull Chesapeake's shenanigans and skate.  

Wow great article!  The politics here has more wrinkles than a Shar Pei:

Democrat Governor wants to replace Republican acting AG with a Democrat, and the Republican PA Senate leaders approve!  On top of that, Governor's Democrat candidate was rejected by former Democrat AG who preferred a Republican.

You cannot make this stuff UP!

One observation I can advance with certainty:

That Beemer dude is REALLY fat!

But seriously, this is at the point now where it's difficult for me to conjure how everything will turn out for landowners.  In Castor we have a guy presumably simpatico with Kane.  This new guy, Beemer, was not on her side.  Important for us?  I have no clue.

Final observation:  This is just one more example of the importance for landowners of politics.  This is not national politics, of course.  But this is all about politics.  Whether or not that Chesapeake lawsuit is vigorously pursued, a pivotal matter for PA landowners . . . is about politics!!

Those who wish to separate out political discussion from O&G discussion are misguided.

Next time put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion Frankie.....hey, isn't that the same name sugardale uses for their keener weiner?....lol

Castor is a Republican

Yes, John.  That was established up thread, one week ago, by LewPa.  I immediately thanked LewPa for correcting me.


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