Information about drilling activity, pipelines, etc. in Millwood Township.

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Yes it is! plus lots of activity still around, trucks everywhere. Maybe we will get some news on several of the wells that should be producing soon. Scotts. Fineran etc. news of royalties per acre has pretty much dried up.

Yes, it's been crazy here on grape hollow rd!!  I've never seen so many semis. Whatever they are doing at the outlaw pad must be massive!!  They have 3 huge cranes and it looks like maybe more equipment for processing oil?  All I hear is that flame. The tankers have been going constantly also, since September. So, I hope the royalties come back this month.

Thanks for the update Sherry keep em coming.

The rig is up on the outlaw pad. 

Is this Eclipses third rig?, or was it brought from Quaker,or the Law?

That was the rig that was up at Mercury.  They just got done taking it down late last week.  Tons of trucks going past the house during the rig move.  Next up is fracking traffic for Mercury

When did they start drilling the Mercury ?

Five super laterals drilled so quickly seems odd to me, not that I am rooting against it because we have acreage in the unit.

The rig is up on the outlaw pad. 

Would someone update us on the drilling in Millwood township ? I was at the old place on Putney yesterday and could see a rig set up maybe off of Grape Hollow, maybe the Outlaw unit pad ?

What acreage is the Outlaw drilling, I know that the super lateral drilling rearranged the units from what they were previously but I thought that the Miller, Law, Great Scott and Purple Hayes drilled all around that particular area.

Someone else was trying to explain to me about another rig down off of 265 but across from the pad that Eclipse was preparing, I didn't understand what they were trying to relate to me, are there two or three rigs in the township currently ?

Also, as mentioned before, it seems that Eclipse drilled the Mercury pretty quickly, it doesn't seem like that rig was up there very long. My memory can be suspect sometimes, maybe I remember it incorrectly.

We received a letter from Antero last week informing us that Eclipse has ownership of at least a portion of the city lots we own in Quaker, evidently pursuant to unitizing/drilling those lots ? I have asked around and been made aware that there are some who have knowledge of unitization of their city lots but I don't know if this is a city wide matter or not. I don't know which unit could be involved here, it seems the Yanosik or Mercury, but maybe some other unit not announced ?

I was made aware of a question last year concerning a small unit drilling a hole south from putney towards town and east-west in between two other units ? Someone had an inquiry from an oil and gas company to walk his property looking into a road being built to install a drilling pad there.

Anybody care to fill me in on some of these issues I would appreciate it very much.

Lastly, I have not been able to figure out how to view the full Eclipse permit for the Mercury unit(s), some have said the Auditors web site or maybe the county engineers web site ?

I am asking for help learning how to navigate to the actual permit, including the names of the landowners and maybe the acreages included in the unit.

Can this be done from the internet ?

Previously I have been able to see this information from the well finder on the states web site but am not able to do so with this unit.

Thank you for any help  in this matter.

ODNR site is not showing any platmaps or royalty owners for the two wells on the Mercury. THe Outlaw wells on Grape hollow have platmaps and permit info on the ODNR. It shows two of the 3 wells permitted going 26000 ft. nnw. towards Nelsons and Snedegars.     David, here is the link for the Guernsey County Recorder's office.  Put in your name.  You are on the Mercury A pool agreement.


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