Does anyone have a few good attorneys they can recommend for the Ohio valley area? Well in production and not being paid, due to multiples issues that we know dont exist. Would consider going out of area if need be. thanks

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The Ohio Valley encompasses Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  Since most attorneys are licensed in a single state, might I ask what state the well is located?

Good question. If in West Virginia, I can recommend the Windom Law Firm, in Harrisville WV. Both Rodney and Scott Windom are very good. 1-866-451-9642. Some attorneys are licensed in more than one state. Not sure about the Windoms, but they might be able to recommend someone in Ohio or Pennsylvania.


Sorry Kit, all of my interests are focused in WV and I am not familiar with the Ohio Attorneys that specialize in OGM.  However, attached is a link from the Ohio Bar Association with various County Bar Association links that you can use to discover Attorneys in the specific county.  These are maintained by the different county associations, so I cannot speak on what you will find, however I have known people to have great success.

Good luck!!!


Jeff Rokisky is licensed in Ohio, WV, and Pa. We've had good experience with him and his office



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