How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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What will 2023 bring for Appalachian gas companies?  Who will be the winners or losers?  Any buy-outs?

Seneca and Southwestern are working in a positive direction so far. Drilling new wells and good production.

I have seen many DEP notices issued to Seneca for Utica well permits.  How are these wells working out for them?  Any problems drilling these wells?

Where within Tioga is NFG focused ? Thanks in advance . 

From the website I see wells listed for Chatham, Delmar & Middleburg townships.  In addition a recent permit was issued to Swn Production in West Fields township.  Seneca has Utica wells in Cameron County.  I believe they also have Utica wells in other counties too.  I get the impression that Utica well drilling is becoming an important part of their shale gas program.  Utica drilling seems to be limited to a few gas companies in southwest PA, and one in particular has had some problems drilling Utica wells.  I wonder if drilling Utica in North Central PA is different then drilling in SW & Central PA?

Thanks, guys, for the tips. Suddenly I am interested in Delmar Twp, private company, need to figure some things out for the Anthony. 

The Anthony well, in Delmar Twp, has a lot of activity lately. The rumor is, the lease was bought by a private party who also have a well in Kennedyville. I'll see what I can find out. 


Seneca and Southwestern are producing decent numbers in Tioga County and there holding so far.Different drilling technique's more pipeline space good maintenance have all helped,Marcellus and Utica wells.

Merry Christmas to this small group of posters . This Energy Investor from Long Island , wishes you a healthy / happy New Year .... You all should be proud of your region that produces clean , cheap energy for our people . 

Merry Christmas Ralph.  Thanks for your thoughts & insights about the future of the gas industry.  I appreciate your posting to help inform us!

I just switched over to natural gas heat it is a very quiet heater just a little steam comes out the exhaust real happy with it. Merry Christmas to all the fossil fuel people.


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