How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Europe has been very warm . Looking to 2025 , there will be a handful of new LNG export plants online . Demand will rise another  5 B's or so . The next question is will PA marcellus benefit ? With all its surrounding States anti pipeline , any additional PA gas could be very hard to ship to these upcoming new plants .. If I was "KING" of the USA , I would NOT allow our N Gas to be exported , I would save it for future generations right here in our Country . Oil is a tempting 'buy' here , the looming recession continues to make this Energy Investor very conservative ... One year T Bills with a rate kissing 4.8 % is the Major portion of this Portfolio . 

What about the other USA markets including electric power generation?  Are they significant enough to support & grow USA gas production?

Utes will be switching to more N Gas as gas prices decline .. Gas hit 3.57 yesterday , there comes a point where Gas becomes very Investable again . The major demand increases will be LNG exports , conversely my home State will be banning any new N Gas hookups by the end of the decade , there will be others States with bans as well , California . The Ying and Yang continues .. If an Investor is right  , 65% , 70% of the time , they are either lucky , super smart , or both .. I've seen many a Financial Advisor brag about a CAGR 0f 8% annually ... 


Since late last week  OIL is back into portfolio ... No more SPR release last week ... 

Any gas companies "on the clock" for a buy-out bid? 

Most likely buyout ? As I have posted before CNX has got my vote for a merger or takeover .. Though anything is possible and suprises happen all the time . Who is the most likely to eye CNX ? AR , RRC , EQT , SWN , take your pick . Currently Haynesville is more on the radar with its decent wells and LOWER transport costs ... Who to watch in Haynesville ? CRK , CHK , and on a smaller scale SWN .. CRK pays a decent fixed dividend , CHK pays a variable one ... Cold weather predicted soon 

CNX posted their 4Q report this morning.   What is wall streets view?

Balance Sheets tell more of a TRUE story than press releases ... A quick look leaves this Energy Investor UNimpressed . Seems like a lot of 'creative' Accounting occurring ... Illegal ? NO ...  Shuffling of the deck ????  PS , just one mans opinion ...  , I am not a buyer here ...

The infrastructure work Seneca has been doing in western Tioga co. has increased the MCF price there paying out to royalty recipients. $4.51 an MCF for November.

Congrats to those who seem to get that 'fair' price 

How does 2023 look for natural gas pricing?  Will LNG carry the load? 

Seneca has received Utica permits for Tioga County?  How are they doing?

really interested to know what's happening--we're in Central Tioga Cty. 


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