The "boom" in shale development is due primarily to the increase in technology. Better horizontal drilling technology combined with hydraulic fracturing along with other technology has increased access to oil and gas deposits which has increased supply, and reduced cost to the consumer.

The anti fossil fuel folks hate this. They have worked so hard over the past forty years to reduce the use of oil and natural gas. Their main tool is getting government to increase regulations which increases the cost which increases the price to consumers. Higher prices less consumption, less consumption, less pollution.

Then came the wedding of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, and as we have seen a plunge in the price of oil and natural gas. The exact opposite of what the anti folks want. The antis are apoplectic,many have become deranged.

So the new mode of operation for the "fractivist"s is to lie about the oil and gas industry; using wild stories about imminent environmental catastrophe or a plague of health issues. We often see these wild stories (lies) posted here on GMS. The objective is to create fear, fear is a tremendous motivator.

The main target is hydraulic fracturing, without it the "shale boom" would probably collapse. Our "fractivist" friends also know that the average person knows little about oil and gas development and in particular about hydraulic fracturing.

The "Big Lie" - Fracking is Oil and Gas Development. Which of course isn't accurate. "Fracking/ Hydraulic Fracturing is a technique, a process employed in the development of an oil/gas well. It is only one part of the process; albeit a significant part. Since most of the American public doesn't understand fracking, the fractivists have decided to attack it's use with a misinformation campaign. "The Chicken Little" campaign, The Sky Is Falling, The Sky, Is Falling !

Once fear has been established the anti groups have moved to calling all of oil and gas development "Fracking". I'm sure you've all heard the terms a "fracking well" or the "fracking industry"; neither is true or accurate. There is no such thing as a "fracking well". There are oil wells, there are gas wells, there are oil and gas wells, "fracking wells". There is the Oil and Gas industry, but it is not the "fracking industry".

But as I stated, the goal here is to create fear, accuracy is obviously not important to these folks. That's more than obvious by the drivel the antis post on this site, for example the recent post about increased cardiology related issues; or the link to small birth weight, etc. All such "studies" are completely inaccurate and rubbish. But they do create fear, which is the goal of the authors and the people who post them.

However, once the fear is established the goal of these Chicken Littles is to get people to pressure legislators to pass legislation banning "fracking" or at least severely limiting it's use. As we have seen these Chicken Littles have been quite effective in places such as NY state, where there is such a ban.

We need to help people see that The Sky Is Not Falling. And that those that the stories of impending disaster are false. That the people who spread this misinformation are no more than fear mongers who should be ignored, or openly mocked for their nefarious activities.

The "Shale Boom", in time, will bring multiple benefits to our society and responsible development should be promoted as much as possible.

The Sky Is Not Falling, The Sky Is Not Falling

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Another "big lie" is man-caused climate change, which is mythology.  Yet it is upon that lie that the nut cases base much of their opposition to fossil fuels.  


That lie has been perpetuated by a continuous misinformation campaign to the point that it is becoming accepted as true.

The extreme environmentalists are using the same tactic with "fracking" and shale development.

That's why I write a response when any of the lies are posted on this site; such as the one recently posted about a contection between "fracking" and cardiovascular problems. It's just not true.

You hit the nail on the head!!!

For me personally, my "favorite" of these claims is the "Fracking causes increase in STDs". 

Not because of the inherent silliness of the claim (In case anybody didn't know Sexually Transmitted Diseases are transmitted by sex, not Fracking), but by the number of conditions that must be ignored simply to make that claim.  Let me break it down: I will put the anti-frackers (Fracktivists) thoughts in bold

1.  Before the Marcellus was being developed, some of the counties in Pennsylvania had declining and aging populations due in part to lack of economic development.  Panic!!! This does NOT fit with the Fracktivist notion that everything was perfect BF (before fracking).  IGNORE THIS

2. Once there was a need for workers (aka economic development) people came from other places to make money and start careers.  Panic!!! See above,  If everything was perfect BF, there is no need for economic development..  IGNORE THIS.

3. Many of the people who came to make a career are young and single.  Don't Panic.  This is OK since it tells our story.

4.  Sometimes, when young and single people get together there is sex.This causes a dilemma.  It is precisely the reason for the increases in STDs, but if the fracktivists play this up they will be seen as disapproving of consensual sex, which will cause some of their politcical allies to turn against them  PLAY THIS DOWN .

5.  When there is an increase in sexual activity the chances for STDs increase,  But if the explanation is made public fracktivists will look bads, so just hammer the statement "Fracking causes STDs"  our people won't bother to look and the other side won't be listened to by the public.

Very entertaining.

But sadly,  very close to the truth.

As I stated before;

the main focus of the anti fossil fuel folks, extreme environmental whackos or "fractivists as we have come to them, is an all out attack on hydraulic fracturing " fracking".

There actually is no "k" in the slang term, it's fracing. But this is one of the psychological games the fractivists play. Fracking sounds alot like another derogatory term f______  ( for the sake of decency I'll leave it to your imagination to, you only get one guess).

The "Big Lie" the fractivists tell about fracing is that it pollutes ground water, aquifers, drinking water. FALSE! COMPLETELY FALSE!

Hydraulic fracturing has been used for, at least, 68 years. Not once, not ever, never, not even remotely has hydraulic fracturing been shown to have polluted any drinking water source. Not ever! In particular it's application to shale development. If you understand the procedure you know why it hasn't and won't.

But, the anti crown knows that the average "Joe" doesn't understand the process, so they use this lack of knowledge to instill fear into the mind of the uninformed. They tell these folks the "Big Lie"; if they don't oppose shale development and fracing their drinking water will be destroyed and they will die. Oh mother have mercy!


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