I read just a few lines in GASFRAC's press release of 11/14/14 that says:

"GASFRAC has just commenced fracturing its first well in the Utica Shale formation.  A number of exploration and production companies have an ownership interest in this well and are closely monitoring the project with the potential for GASFRAC to perform fracturing services on other wells in the Utica Shale formation."

Here is link to press release, but I have quoted all that is stated about the Utica fracking.


Now today I read some comments made by EV Energy Partners saying:

"In other news EV Energy Partners said production could begin in December on a much watched Utica oil well in Tuscarawas County.  The company drilled the experimental well with eight other industry partners Walker(company's executive chairman) said. "This is a test of what could be EnerVest and EVEP's most valuable asset in the Utica," he said.  Getting oil from the Utica shale has proven to be difficult for drillers to date.  That well near Uhrichsville is being hydraulically fractured or fracked with liquid butane and mineral oil.  That should be complete in two weeks.  "We're excited but cautious as we are bringing new technology to bear in this process,"  said company president and CEO Mark Houser.  "We are in the middle of the completion operations and have completed five of the 20 (fracking) stages so far."

Source of these comments is at:


Question is who are the other eight partners?

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Thank you for the excellent information David.

Good stuff there, David.  Thanks

Here's a story on it along with Comments yesterday about the well from EnerVest CEO: http://www.bizjournals.com/columbus/blog/ohio-energy-inc/2015/03/wa...

Am I reading anything into this, or can we assume the process works, why would you be able to sell something that did not work? Maybe now the northern tier and the western side of the play can work..........

I think all Ohio needs is a market, infrastructure and political co-operation (leadership) to allow a market to manifest itself.

We need to do whatever it takes to get the politicians to stop stalling and get the show on the road.

Forget the Middle Eastern oil and OPEC - concentrate on re-building our shredded domestic private economy.

Ain't that just Duckey!

With Ohio landowners paying to have their NGLs taken from their wells, now CHK can use a portion of the Free NGLs, for instance the Butane and Propane to frac the wells.

Buck Well 1H has had deductions of NGLs as high as 176% and always more than 100%.

Ohio doesn't require documentation of NGLs so why would a thief pay a royalty? Better yet, charge the landowners for processing out the Butane and Propane, no one is watching due to $$$ blindness.

Ron H.,

Is this possible only because of weak (lessor unfriendly) leases ?

To rephrase: Is the lessee permitted these apparent tresspasses due to loose terms of the lease agreements ?

Can executed lease agreements be ruled deception ?

If the executed lease permits it and / or doesn't prohibit it, what can be done ?
I was just messin' Joseph Ohio. Now put this into perspective. Rewind to 2011. Oil at $120/bbl. Do you think "they" would be in Belmont and Monroe or in the Black Oil window?
Rewind to 2011 (as I recall) :

Oil at $120.00 (price basically set by OPEC and USA importing more foreign oil than these days) - Gasoline @ about / between $3.15 to $3.90 per gallon.

E & P outfits leasing in southeast Ohio - looking for (low hanging fruit) / deep, highly geo-pressurized natural gas / NGLs / Light (and / or) Volatile Oils.

Black Oil Window going unexplored.

Now that they've found it (domestically) what's the holdup developing it ?

I think it continues to be market management / conditioning / governmental foreign policy political management myself.


Seems to me they ALL are more concerned about the NWO than our own country's / countrymen's economy / security.

So they ALL do what they do best - STALL; and as they do, they continue to collect their exorbitant salaries and bennies, slap each other on the back and proclaim to themselves what a GREAT job they're doing (running our economy into the ground) as well as telling themselves and each other how SMART they are and how STUPID they think 'we the people' are.

I say build out the infrastructure - enact / implement domestic conversion programs (including government subsidy) FROM coal / oil / gasoline / diesel TO natural gas - and without delay.

Just MHO as it's been from the beginning.

Did you join in the Occupy Wallstreet demos????


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