Pro-Landowner Royalty-Deduction Bill Passes Out of Committee: See how they voted (HB1684)

Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.

Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation

Phone: (717) 787-5270

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Thanks for the sympathy, but I'm not really complaining. Back in 2009 when this started for me, experienced O&G lawyers were not exactly a common commodity nor were most landowners overly familiar with the games the gas companies play with what most folks read as plain language. Some of the more astute (or more suspicious) folks managed to get true no-deduction leases but far more ended up accepting the PA version of the boilerplate. They are the ones you read about, losing nearly all their royalty to the gas co's latest efforts to stretch the deductions. Hindsight is great and I wish I had known more back then but even with the deductions I'm getting an income that I did not expect when I bought my property.

Your property is an investment.  Don't devalue your investment in a way that you are being taken advantage of.

Tom R  how many mmbtu are in 1-k mcf   I know it will be a guess because gas varies on btu. I just want to know if max 1.00 per mmbtu is a ok for deductions EQT IS THE CO. I am dealing with. 

I believe it is usually converted as 1 to 1. I'm in "dry gas" country and the usual BTU factor they show is 1031 or 1032 so its only a few % points difference.

thanks Tom R  FOR YOUR TIME  I got Chesp. on one lease and there deductions are out of line as far as I see. but as you said its income and it sure helps. That is why with EQT I am trying to be a little smarter this time.We are in Springhill TWP. Greene Co. PA. Dry gas is what Chesp. hit or as they say. EQT is trying to get a unit going by Hundred WVA                                            THANK YOU 

Natural gas with a 1,032 Btu / CF  heating value = 1,032,000 Btu's per each Mcf.

1,000 cubic feet x 1,032 Btu's in each cubic foot =1,032,000 Btu's of heat energy.

The 1MM Btu standard = 1,000 cubic feet x 1,000 But's / CF = 1,000,000 But's

Excellent post. 


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