If fracking fluids are found to be the cause of the illnesses at LeRoy High School, would you change your position on fracking?


The symptoms the children at LeRoy High School in LeRoy New York are suffering from are very similar to the neurological symptoms shown in the movie "Split Estate".   The movie documents what citizens in Rocky Mountain States have been living with for years, primarily in the towns of Dish Texas and Denton Texas.

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The govt. is shutting down raw milk producing farms as the believe raw milk is 'poisonous'.  what chance does this give the oil/gas industry?

What do they think our grandparents were raised on<\?

good points, however, people should have the freedom to choose if they want to drink raw milk or not!  The lost freedom, that's the point. Those who prefer their milk with some nutritional value left choose raw milk and know their source. 

We can buy it locally, however, they had to spend about $10k to get approval and then pass inspection testing bacterial amount, which they do.  They will also teach how to make cheese, cottage and others, and the yogurt they make is to die for!

Grandparents!!!!  .... I was raised on raw milk, home made butter, ice cream, cottage cheese, canned veggies from the garden, eggs from the hen house, beef and pork from farm raised critters...... more of the Nanny State we are living in taking over, they Know what is better for all of us... as long as we as a group accept it... and take government hand-outs without being responsible for our own life.... this will only get worse... welcome to Europe...


Same here, just thought there may be a younger crowd on here - *grin.

Still do!

Mark and Joe, 

You have to remember that govt. angencys like the EPA and the people that work for them are on going concerns.  Not unlike most private and public concerns they want to grow to insure their future.  To due this they want to increase their budgets each year and this allows them to keep assuming more power.  This process is generally easier for govt.  because profit is not part of the mix and lacks a lot of oversight.  If the EPA can harness fear than more people are willing to allow them more power and control.  This is how the prior adminastration was able to ram the Patriot Act and other programs that have widdled away our liberties after 911.  Presidents and parties come and go and in the long term only slow or speed there agendas while in office. 

Great/wow!  Your remarks sound like they came straight from a conspiracy theory web site.  I guess the government's solution to your issue would be to increase taxes so we can create another agency to provide oversight for the EPA.  Yes I joke, however, serving in a part of our largest government institution (military 26 years)/working in DC a few years. I can't help but agree with you.

IMHO, as far as Obama goes, his actions against the natural gas and oil industry (for example the Keystone Pipeline) speak louder than his words of support.

Joe Smith,

In reference to your question "Does our Government want the gas or not?", here is the answer.

Ohio State government = YES!

Obama administration = NO! Pay attention to what they DO, not what they SAY.


Obama and Sorros gave them donations and I think it was 5 years of subsidies or tax breaks they want to jump start CNG engines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4B6rWlvK...   I support CNG engines but not subsidies.  I think the technoloy can and should stand on its own.

Interesting how much accusation has been heaped on my head for asking a simple question: why doesn't the school system test the soil around the wells immediately, so the controversy can be put to a rest? It seems any time someone asks questions about health implications of fracking, the outcry is fast and furious. Why? Wouldn't we want to know if there really are risks? Information is power - and our landscape and history are littered with environmental tragedies where information was suppressed until far too much damage was done. 

Also - I did ask Billy which gas company he works for. That doesn't mean I'm implying that everyone who is pro fracking is hired to spread propaganda, but anyone commenting on this site all day, every day, makes me wonder. The gas companies have admitted to hiring psych ops to control the spread of information - online and in community meetings. Who else would have time to comment non-stop? China pays its online counter insurgents a few yen per comment - I'm assuming the gas companies pay better?

What proof do you have that no hydraulic fracturing was done at the wells on the school property?

The reason folks jumped on me is that questions regarding fracking and health concerns aren't allowed. That seems very clear.

Here are the documents on the school district site regarding fracking:






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